Chapter 7

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It had been about a week and we had heard nothing from the doctors about Mia. A group of us had decided to try and sneak into Halfthorn and see what was going on.

We all gathered at the edge of the trees where the pack was hidden, as our human form. "Ok so what do we do exactly," Yama asked. Most of the wolves were older wolves as they had become friends with Mia. "We sneak in and get to the hospital?" Lincoln said in a question looking at me. "That's kinda the plan but first we have to get in," I looked at Bella. Yama was sneaky, Lincoln was smart, Bella thought quickly and adjusted to a change in plan and I was the strength if anything went wrong. "Umm I guess we find a place where they aren't guarding the wall, preferably at night and sneak in. Or we go in a cart."
"No they check every inch of the carts," Lincoln said.
"We could try and scale the wall where the mountain side reaches it, the wall is on a slight lean but with claws it should be a breeze the climb," Bella said.
"Alright. But what do we do when we get in," Yama asked.
"You split figure out your own plans and get to the hospital only one really needs to get there and back out with the news," a voice said from within the bushes. I recognised it as Alpha. "Alpha what are you doing here?" Lincoln said.
"She is my pack member I want to find out what's going on as well." We all nodded and waited for nightfall.

"Let's move," I said getting up once the moon was high. The moon would create some light but not a lot. We moved around to the back of the kingdom walls where it was on a slight slant and we could climb up it. We dropped into an alleyway and decided from there if we were going to have have a group of two and three or two groups of two and one. "Yama is sneaky so he should be alright and us others. Well sorry but the brutes aren't exactly known for being sneaky."
"You'd be surprised," I said.
"Well I reckon except for Yama we go in groups of two we have more eyes but Yama is known for sneaking so he will be fine," Lincoln said. Yama agreed.
"Ok so who is going with who?" Bella asked.
"I'll go with Danielle," Alpha said. I glared at him and he shrugged. Lincoln wasn't so sure with the idea. "What if we have to fight a stronger person will do better in the fighting won't they?"
"Bella is strong enough to protect you, plus being smaller you are both fast," Alpha said and they nodded. We all moved out in different directions but all heading to the hospital. There were two wards and it had been decided previously that I was going to one whilst Yama, Bella and Lincoln were going to the other. Because one was generally for innocent persons but it also held extremely injured persons, where as the other held criminals so was very secure but it didn't have the facilities to treat a wound that Mia had but they may keep her there as she was a wolf and technically escaped the death sentence.

Alpha and I crept around buildings being careful to look out for the guards, they were more armoured and in a larger groups at night. "You know Alpha isn't my real name," Alpha said. We stopped for a second to listen to guards because the only way to the criminal hospital now was down a wide open street with no alleyways to hide in quickly except for one on the other side of the road in which we saw a group of guards walk out before and back in. "I figured as much."
"Aren't you ever curious though?"
"No, shush.... Well yeah but still shut up." The guards just go back into the alleyway. "Let's move now." I grab his arm and move out onto the street. We move quick and silent. "Ahh Danielle?"
"Yeah." I let go of his arm thinking that's what he was talking about.
"They are turning around." I listened and I couldn't hear them and they were almost in the alleyway they must have turned around quickly. "Maybe it was you talking," I hissed.
"What do we do we cant run past and there are archers that will see us if we climb." I thought for a second. I could hear music off in the distance, there must be a party somewhere. I turned to Alpha slightly concerned about what I was going to say but it really was the only way that the guards wouldn't take a second glance at us. "Kiss me!" I said quickly.
"Excuse me?" I pushed him against the wall.
"They won't take a second glance I can hear music they will think we are coming home from a party." I looked and saw shadows. To my surprise Alpha grabbed me and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I heard them whistle but they kept moving. I let go and hugged him for a second and so I could see if they were gone. "Let's move," I said but he pulled me back and kissed me again. I found myself kissing him back. I stopped and moved back. "S-sorry for that."
"No it was my fault."
"We should......."
"Go. Yeah." The situation got very awkward very quickly.

I could hear Mia crying in pain, something obviously hurt. I went to run but Alpha grabbed my arm. I looked at him and he shook his head. I saw that there was a few guards patrolling around the hospital. They must be doing that because Mia is in there and they would expect us to be coming for her. "What do we do then. They know both of our faces," I said.
"Sneak past," he shrugged. Everything that everyone was saying about him didn't sound true anymore. He seemed relaxed, calm and friendly. There was a bell that rang. "The others?!" I said.
"Probably, but now is our chance." The guards ran off and we ran in. We instantly found Mia in her room but the pain cries I hear earlier were her dying slowly. She was lying in a pool of blood on the ground. "Mia what the hell are you doing," I dropped down to her, she had crawled off the bed. "I needed to get out of here," she said her voice weak and croaky.
"Your not going anywhere like that." Alpha picked her up bridal style and we ran outside. I could see that Yama was running around on the rooftops distracting the guards so we had an easy exit. We got to the wall and Alpha lowered her down to me carefully. He yelled and dropped her the last meter or so which then she cried out in pain. And arrow had a hit him in the butt he broke off the end accidentally in the fall. I helped him up and we ran, well he limped and I wasn't as fast because I was carrying Mia and Alpha was leaning on me.

We brought Mia into the medicine wolf. She looked at me as Alpha stood in the doorway looking very uncomfortable. "Just hand me some bandages and disinfectant best if you don't ask," I said. She nodded and handed me the things. I helped Alpha into his house where there was better light. "You want me to pull it out or try yourself," I smirked.
"Not funny. I'll do it myself." He took the bandages and disinfectant whilst I waited in his bedroom. I heard a few pained yells then he opened the door and I smiled and shook my head. I had to take it out. It wasn't easy because he broke off the end it was deeper in. That sounds so bad I know. Once the arrow head was out I cleaned the wound and let him put the bandage on. It was more of a large bandaid. Even though he would heal it would take a while because it was a deep wound and he would be very uncomfortable. "Thank you," he said walking out. I giggled. "My pleasure, I'd be happy to dislodge an arrowhead out of your ass any day." He smiled.
"Whatever." He sat down beside me and winced. "So hope that better in the morning don't particularly want the pack asking why I'm walking funny or won't sit down." I laughed but not too loudly. "You know what, your not actually like what they say you are. Once you get to know you that is."
"What that I'm big and scary. Mean and vicious."
"Something like that."
"Oh I'm so mean and vicious am I." He sort of pounced on me so he was now on top of me on the bed. "You know you kissed me back, back there earlier," he said swinging around so he was fully on top of me. "It's hard not to." I reached my head up and kissed him. At first he kinda seemed shocked but then went along with it.

"Finally figure something out," I said.
"And what would that be."
"Mates to be know each other's howls even before they meet each other." He laughed.
"I realised that as well." He kissed me on the forehead and I snuggled up. I so hoped that I would wake up early like I usually do with him so I could sneak into my own room in the morning and just say that I came back really late to Kia or something.

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