First day

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   It was my first day at the new school, in the new town we had just moved into. i was nervous like anyone else that would go to a new school would be.

 But this time was different because when i got to my first class the other kids weren't like me. they weren't normal kids there was something off something i dint know what was yet.

After class one of the other students came up to me and asked my name. i told her it was Eric and she said her name was holly. after about a week at the new school i became good friends with holly and i started to see thing about her that weren't the same as me or as the kids at my old school.

 she had gills and her teeth were like a shark. she was like some kind of creature from the sea but she could live on land. i didn't say anything to her because i thought it would be rude so i just treated her like a normal human and my friend. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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