Chapter 2

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Bella P.O.V
I woke up and stutter my eyes to the sound of someone laughing beside me. When my eyes fully awake, my eyes got widened by the person who staring me with lustful gaze. It was Alex with his devil smirks. I sit up and watch him at my side. "Good morning beautiful" he winks me with his devil grins. "How... How... you get in... here??" My body was shivering of the fear. I try to scream but there is no sound come out from my mouth. I hear his laughing again like he just saw somethings funny.

Now, he moves closer to me and I get backwards and it is a bad move because then I fall to the ground from my bed. I wince the pain I feel at my back and quickly to get up ignore the sore of my back. I look around to find something that can help me but it is useless when I don't find anything that could help me.

I see Alex walking towards me closer and I start running away from him to my door to escape. I feel a strong arms wrapping my waist and pinned me against the wall. "Where are going? Do you think you can run from me bitch?" His words growling under his breath. Then, I feel his breath on my neck sniffing and lick it. I close my eyes fear to know what will happen and silently hoping the boys to find me now. "I miss your body, you know?" I can feel he smirks on my shoulder.

"What do you want from me Alex? I'm sure when the boys find me, they will kill you" I give him warning but he give me his devil smirks again. "What do I want from you? Of course I want your body. I want make you mine." His fingers rub my cheeks and my body shivers.

I take a deep breath and when I let my breath out I look at his eyes while I clench my fist. My knees kick his private place and with that I run from him but my move has been stopped by the strong hand that grips my arms. He spun me towards him so he can look at my face. I see his face reddish because the pain and anger he holds inside. "Bitch! You think you can run away from me?" Then his hand slapped my face and I fall to the cold ground.

He grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked it up, I whimpered out of pain and he just laughed. But then he drag me to my closet then let go my hairs. He walk towards my closet and open it. There, in front of lay down three bodies. It were the boys and they look pale while their eyes widen opening. I shock with what I see and dragged myself to them. I could not believe with what I saw and slowly my hand shake their bodies hoping that they are still alive. My tears blurry my sight and cold tears start to fall on my cheeks.

Alex staring at me with satisfied gaze and he walk again to me drag me to my bed. I'm not fighting because I'm so deeply saddened by what have happened. Alex pick me up and throw me on my bed again starting unbutton his shirt.

"Bella, Bella... Wake up Bell, wake up!" I hear Logan voice's slowly coming through my ears and I stutter my eyes open seen his worry faces. It was a dream, I thought to myself. I get up and hug Logan tighten my arms around his neck for a dear life. I feel my sweat streaming down from my head. I let out the sigh of relief on his shoulder. Logan hands rubbing my back and he whispered soothing words at my ears.

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