Part 1 Chapter 4 Could this be our beginning?

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So Caspar left me to it. He went upstairs to have a "nap" which will turn out to be sleep which will then turn out to be hibernation. I don't really know what to do seeing as no ones awake so instead I walk over to the kitchen and see what they have food wise in the house.
I put a few slices of bread in the toaster and scramble some eggs. As I turn round from putting the egg box back in the fridge Joe is stood there... in his boxers, looking as stunned as I am.

"Hello." He says. "What you doing?"

"Caspar let me in by the way, I didn't break in. And considering he went back to bed and I had nothing to do I thought I'd make you boys some breakfast."

"Awh, thanks!" He said making his way to my direction. "Scrambled eggs, one of my favorites!"

"You seem pretty confident walking around like... that." I say waving my hand over his body.

"Oh yeah, I'll go get dressed." Joe says going red in the face either from blushing or embarrassment.

He makes his way upstairs to get dressed while I dish up their breakfast. I take Caspar's up to his room where he's not awake but I give a little nudge to let him know. When I come back down the stairs I sit with the dressed Joe on the sofa and we start to talk about all sorts of random things.

"So what are you willing to achieve this year now that it's 2013?" I ask him.

"Um, I would like to get my YouTube channel going. Not everyone on YouTube will have a chance to become really popular but I suppose if you put your mind to it and work hard you might get that chance. But also I'm still roof thatching with my uncle so I don't really know, because I love both jobs but I can't decide which one."

"Will you still have to travel to Wiltshire everyday?"

"Yeah and that costs enough in itself."

"What time do you need to be there?" I ask.

"5:40 is when I should be on my way to whichever house, and then it takes a few hours even on the train so I really don't know what to do."

"Don't decide yet, have a think about it because you need to chose what you really want to do." I say acting like I know everything. "Is there anything else on your New Years Resolutions list?"

"I think at this moment in life I'm gonna start socializing a bit more; find a few more friends and try to get into a lasting relationship." He says finishing off his breakfast.

We pull ourselves from the adult boring conversations and start joking around. Seeing who's stronger by having arm wrestling matches (even though we both know it's not me)


I come down the stairs to find Emma and Joe lying on the floor having leg matches to see who has stronger legs. My first thought from seeing this is 'What the heck are they doing?" but I'm just glad Joe has found a friend who isn't me. "Happy New Years Day?" I say walking over the kitchen and noticing how weird they actually are.

"Hey Casp!" Emma says getting up and giving me a hug. A proper good morning now.

"Hello." I say hugging her back.

While Emma goes to the toilet I have a chance to speak to Joe. "I'm being serious here you should 100% ask her on a date! You both get along so well and I wouldn't mind if you dated her." Joe goes silent and doesn't really look me in the eye.

"I don't really know what to do. I've known her for two days so I'm not deciding yet. Yes she's pretty, yes we get along, but you can't expect me to do anything like that yet."

"At least get her number."

"Yeah. Okay. I'll do that."


A few more hours pass when I decide that I should head home because I need to sort my own house out. So I stand up and say goodbye and that I'll let myself out.

As I'm zipping up my jacket Joe rushes up to me. "Emma, uh, do you want my number?"

"Um okay..." I didn't really know how to respond to that so I just gave him my phone where he placed his number in contacts. "Anything else?"

"Uhh, no. No. Nothing that's all, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Will I?"

"Yeah, no, I don't really know. I'll just speak to you soon." He says going so red of embarrassment I feel bad.

"I'll speak to you soon." And because I feel so sorry for him I wrap my arms around him and give him a long hug just to say don't feel so nervous around me.


Well I officially can't talk to girls. When I gave Emma my number I genuinely seized up, but she's so calm with everything she can make you feel so comfortable around her. 
She gave me a hug and for a moment I didn't really know what was going on until she squeezed harder when I then wrapped my arms around her small waist. And that moment felt perfect. But I was just wandering if it was perfect for her too?

{That's the end of this chapter sorry it was so long

but please let me know what you think!

Emma x}

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