The devil within (Austin mahone fanfiction)

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"your not going anywhere" he growled as his grip got tighter on my wrist
"please Austin, stop your hurting me" i whimpered, his eyes then turned back from red to the usual turquoise.
"Zara, i'm sorry" he says as he lets go of my wrist and i take this opportunity to run.

"Zara time to get up" my mum coos as she pops her head round the door

"mphft" i grumble

"hahaha get up sweet heart we're going on holiday today, remember? we're going over to the ranch in Texas" she explains

"gimme half an hour" i tell her. She nods her head and leaves closing the door behind her. I sigh in defeat and get up. I can't be asked to shower i have half an hour and it takes that alone to dry my hair. I showered last night anyway.

I made my way over to my wardrobe only to realize mum had packed my clothes so i had to settle on a tank top, hoodie,joggers and my converses. I have a 10 maybe 11 hour journey it'll do. I didn't bother with make up and i just put my mid-length brown hair into a messy yet neat bun. I looked at the time 2:18am really mum? I once again grumble and quickly pack my hand luggage which consists off my, Iphone, headphones, Ipad, Ipod, laptop, one set of spare clothes and beauty products. What can i say i'm rich and i care about my appearance? Yet i'm not one of those bitchy rich kids.

I zip my bag up and drag it downstairs to be met by 5 other suit cases and my mum. Yes i'm an only child and i don't have a dad.

"ready?" mum asks

"yeah" i reply

"good, a whole 2 months in Texas we'll have so much fun" Mum says excitedly

"yeah" i say returning a smile even though i hate Texas, don't get me wrong it's an alright place it just holds to many bad memories.

"tag your it Daddy" the 4 year old me giggles as she runs away from her father. But instead of chasing after her he began to breath heavily and collapse on the floor and all the colour in his face was drained.
"Daddy?" I say as i turn around and slowly walk over. I see that he has holes in his neck and isn't moving.
"Daddy?!" i scream as i shake his lifeless body begging him to wake up. But he didn't.

10 1/2 hours later....

"Zara... Zara sweetheart time to wake up" I heard my mother coo.

"nooo 5 more minutes" i groan as i swot my hand at her and she chuckles 

"No but seriously wake up" she laughs as she pulls me to my feet. I groan once again as i grab my hand luggage then me and my mum depart the plane then make our way to the luggage hall. Once we have collected our luggage we then have about a 4 hour drive to San antonio. Fun!

We wait for the car to arrive and once is does the driver puts out luggage into the boot 'trunk' and we get in where i fall straight to sleep. I just want to go home, back to London, away from here.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2013 ⏰

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