You again!?

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First of all i would like to say sorry about spelling mistakes and the fact it is going really short and i may have full stops in the most random place but i am adding this new part from my phone which has a small keypad so for that i am really sorry + i am walking and typing at the same time so i can.garentee spelling mistakes. But i though i may take forever to keep updating as im pretty much busy half the time i know its going to be short but i will make it up to you.another time anyways hear it goes:


So me and the girls decided we was going on a night put while we stayed. We honest we missed our train and we had no other choice but to stay in a hotrl in.London because Kiera and Rachel kept moanig about waot until the next train so we ended up stating on London for a few nights, it was all on Becky's dads account so he was paying for it all but as we spent all day in once i woke up they decided to tell me were going out for a bight out i wasnt going to complain i have been dying to go out drinking. So as we all was ready within the hour we walled out of mine and beckys room and slowly walked to the.lift without breaking our necks in heals. We got out of the lift and starated walking out of yhe luxurious purple and elegent lobby. When.once again i ran into someone..

'holy shit fucking hell what is it for people not watching were they are going are ypu sll so stupid ypu can see fucking people walking' i screamed

'shit im so sorry' he replied.wait i reconised that voice so i looked up and saw him MARCUS FREAKING BUTLER

'you again' we both said in union both starting to.blush rosy red

'what are you doing stalking Jesy now Mister?' becky giggle with a grin on her face by tje face she was pullinhlg i could tell she was thinking sexually, god she is so wrong in the head.

'no im claiming that rough sex you texted me" he joked

'th that wasnt me it was becky' i exclaimed

we all just laughed.

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