Michaelangelo x Kelly (ONE-SHOT)

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As quickly as he could, Mikey cleaned around the lair, stuffing some things under the couches and mats, hiding large items of garbage in his room along with the many empty pizza boxes he kept around for memories. All the while, his three brothers watched him with small smirks, quietly chattering amongst themselves.

A bit frustrated with cleaning and having no help in doing so, he turns to his brothers, a small pout of his face. " This would go a lot faster if you guys would help! I want the place lookin' nice for Kelly!" He yells at his brothers, waving his fist at them. This only resulted in them laughing, shaking their heads at their brother's request. " No can do, Mikey. You said we needed to stay away at all times for your little date with Kelly." Leo chimed, earning a few snickers from his side. " Yeah, Mike. Nothing we can do. Just following your orders."
"Wish we could help."

A louder set of laughter breaks through the room, his brother toppling over one another in a fit. He shoots a glare towards his brothers, opening his mouth to yet again yell at them, but immediately freezes up once he hears a familiar voice. "Hey, guys! The Kelly is here!" She exclaims, walking herself into the lair and towards the four turtles. However, the oldest three quickly scramble, laughing as they run over each other to give their younger brother privacy.

She gave Mikey an odd look, her hand on her hips. " What's their issue?" She asked, looking to the turtle in front of her. Putting a hand behind his head, he lets out a nervous chuckle. " They're um... They went to go check on April. She got really sick." He rushes to explains, smiling nervously up at her. Kelly's deep amber eyes look to Mikey's blue ones, staring him down for a moment before smiling snd nodding. " Oh okay, then. Hope she gets better." She beams, giving him a small hug. " So it's just me and you then? Nice~!" She cheers, letting him go and smiling brightly.

Slightly dazed from her hug and her words, he hums, a goofy smile forming in his face. " Yeah... Just me and you. I put some snacks and drinks in the living room so we watch anime together." He says, taking a hold of her hand and leading her into the living area of the lair. Giggling softly, she trails after him, swinging their arms. Once they get to the couch, they both flop onto the couch, chuckling softly and getting comfortable.

Mikey picks up the remote and scrolls through the different options he had set up on the television. " How does Hajime No Ippo sound to watch?" He asks Kelly. It takes her a moment to think about it before replying with a nod. " Sounds good to me, Boo. Hit it~!" She cheers, making the orange-clad turtle laugh. He clicks on the option and sets the remote down and exchanges it for a bowl of popcorn, setting it in between them to share.

As the show begins, they both stare at the screen, trying to sing along with the theme song but not exactly able to say the lyrics since they were in Japanese. They both move closer as the show goes on, eating popcorn by the handfuls and chuckling softly at the funny moments in the show.

As they continue to watch episode after episode, Mikey couldn't help but find himself staring at the beautifully brown girl beside him, admiring her beautiful curls and amber eyes. However, as she feels eyes staring at her, she looks over to the turtle beside her, giving him an odd look. " Something wrong, Boo?" She asks, turning her body to face him. Mikey's cheeks flare a soft pink and his eyes scan her frantically, trying to think of something to say. " No! I just... Um... You're really pretty!" He yells, not meaning to and accidentally spooking Kelly. For a moment, she sat there stunned, but then laughs, closing her eyes and clutching her stomach to keep herself from falling over.

"Thanks, Boo. You're pretty cute yourself." She says, poking his cheek. His cheeks flush a deeper pink. " T-Thanks... I um... I actually have something to tell you, Kellz." He says, playing with his large fingers. She sits closer to him, nodding her head. " Yeah? What is it?" She asks, nodding her head softly. Mikey takes a few breaths, trying to calm his nerves before speaking up. " I uh... I like you... In more of a friend way... In like... A crush way." He confesses, looking away from her in fear of rejection. For a couple of beats, there was a heavy silence, but it was soon broken by her arms wrapping around his neck and her soft squeals. " I like you that way too!! Gosh, I've been dying to tell you that, but I never knew when a good time would be." She exclaims, leaning back and smiling brightly at her.

His eyes widen and his mouth hangs open at her response, but it soon flourishes into a large, bright smile. " Boyskasha!!! That's amazing! She really likes me back!!" He exclaims, hopping off the couch and doing a small dance. As you stand up to hug him once more, your actions are stopped by the sound of feet running towards the both of you. Before you even knew it, you were surrounded by his three brothers, mouths open and arms flailing. " Good job little brother."
" Way to go, Mikey."
" No kissing until you're thirty!"

They all bombard him with congratulations and happy shoves. She laughs at them, pushing past them to get to Mikey. " Outta the way, boys. I need to hug my Boo." He says, wrapping her arms around the orange-clad turtle's neck and giving his cheek a soft peck. He gushes at the kiss, hugging her back softly.

" I said no kissing until you're thirty!" Leo exclaims, making Kelly and the other three brothers roll their eyes and laugh softly.

" No promises." Kelly chimes, giving Mikey's cheek another soft peck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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