chapter two

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"Oh my gosh. Middle school was so much fun!", I exclaimed in excitement after I had sat on the bus with Heath.

"It ain't anything special, Ava.", Heath chuckled, "I would've shown you around but I had to walk my girlfriend to her classes."

"You have a girlfriend?", I questioned; suddenly getting the urge to cry, but held it back.

"Yeah. Her name is Samantha. She's beautiful.", Heath continued talking.

"Yeah? Well I don't need your stupid help anyways. I'll just get my boyfriend to walk me to my classes tomorrow.", I stated.

"You don't have a boyfriend!", Heath exclaimed.

"You don't know that. I haven't seen you all day. Maybe I did get a boyfriend today."

We stayed silent the rest of the ride home.

Honestly, I didn't have a boyfriend but I had a whole night to find one.

That night I got out my school yearbook and looked at boys, deciding who I should message on the computer to be my boyfriend. Finally I decided on Jacob Jones, one of Heath's best friends.

So I got online, on my Facebook, and messaged him and after a while of talking he willingly agreed to date me.

The next day I sat with him on the bus, ignoring Heath, and was walked to each of my classes by him.

"What is your problem?", Heath questioned as he sat beside me on the bus, Jacob wasn't riding because he was on the basketball team and they had practice.

"What do you mean?", I asked nonchalantly.

"Why are you just randomly ignoring me out of no where and dating one of my best friends?"

"I don't know what you're talking about.", I stated.

"Yes you do.", he stated.

"Jacob is my boyfriend. Why are you upset? If you can have a girlfriend, I can have a boyfriend.", I snapped.

"Whatever. Do whatever you want. We're not going to be friends if you're going to be like that.", he stated and moved seats.

When we got off the bus I ran to my room and cried until I couldn't cry anymore.

I dated Jacob for about 2 months after that. Even after we broke up Heath wasn't talking to me. I didn't understand it at all.

One Saturday morning I sat in the living room watching TV, as usual. My mom came into the room.

"Hey Ava, why don't you go hang out with Heath?", she questioned.

"Because we're not friends any more.", I stated.

"Oh really?", she asked, "Well I invited him and his parents over for dinner tonight."

"Have fun. I'm not leaving my room. I don't want to see him.", I stated and went to my room, locking the door behind me.

I cringed when I heard the doorbell ring later that day.

"Where's Ava?", I heard a familiar voice question.

"In her room.", my mom replied.

I laid down quickly, acting like I was asleep even though the door was locked.

There was a knock at the door.

I stayed silent.

Another knock.

"Ava, please."

I closed my eyes, as a tear streamed down my cheek, and pretended I didn't hear voice I loved to hear.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2014 ⏰

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