(Ok, I know Krystal is a new character, and she was only just born in the oneshots book for Gigi and Chad, but I had this good idea and had to use it before I lost my mind.)
Krystal just got a call from her best friend, Eileen. Eileen is in trouble...
Krystal and Slade walked into White Fox Space Port, named after Eileen's grandmother. Krystal had a Firespray31 waiting in the hangar.
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It was a gift from her moms friend the Tamer. Krytal's mother didn't know she had it. Krystal and Slade walked confidently through the strangely empty spaceport. No other pilots or staff were around, it was eerily quiet. Finally Krystal saw her ship, the osprey. Just as she walked towards it a large catlike robot with armadillo style plating jumped in front of her.
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"I am saberdillo 2.0! Prepare to die!" "Not on my watch!", Krystal said. Slade hid and watched. Krystal rubbed her hands together and sparks of electricity begin to flow through them. She builds up the electricity and ZAP! Saberdillo short circuits and falls over, deactivated. Slade's eyes widened, "That. Was. Awesome." Then they got into the Osprey and flew away.