Angels-They all like you(Balthazar,Gab,Cas,Lucifer)

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You lived in the bunker with the boys. You've been hunting with them for about 5 years ever since they saved you from Crowley. You were doing research on a case that Sam and Dean needed help with. There was knock  on your door. "Come in," you yelled. Sam and Dean walked in. "Y/N. Balthazar,Gab,Cas,and Lucifer are in the library. Go talk to them. Their arguing," Dean said. "You'll figure it out and tell them," Sam said. You nodded,hugged Sam and kissed Dean on the cheek. You walked down the stairs to the library. You stopped and listen before entering. "I love her more than ever," Balthazar said. "I've never felt this way before! Let me have my chance at love," Lucifer said. "I love her more than heaven and I've known her longer," Cas said. "Y/N is the light at night for me," Gab said. You entered before it for ugly. "Y/N. How much of that did you hear," Lucifer asked. All the angels looked at you. "Enough to know you guys like...well,love me," you said. "Who do you pick," Gab asked. You smiled and said,"Neither of you guys. I'm sorry. You guys are like family. Also,I'm dating Dean. We've been together for a year now. I love you all as family." As you said that,Dean walked in and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Why I'll kill Dean and Sam," Lucifer said. Dean went wide eyed and Lucifer rose his hand. "Don't you dare or I'll kill you," you said with anger. Dean tighten his grip on your waist. Lucifer left and the others left as well. Dean spun you around and looked into your eyes. "I love when you get angry," he said with a smirk playing on his lips. "And I love you too," you said and kissed him.
Hey! I'm sorry for it being sooooo short but I couldn't think of anything else so...hope you enjoyed the small imagine:) -K.W

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