After about 3 servings of delicious cake and 2 seasons of Orange is the New Black I felt rejuvenated.
Of course I couldn't quite stop thinking about what happened with Mr.Right I mean hello how could I forget I was supposed to be there for a job interview and left feeling disgusted and unfortunately relieved.
I mean he touched me in places that haven't been touched in like ever!
I've always put boys aside. I guess you could say I was a nerd in highschool, straight As,valedictorian, Most likely to be successful. All that crap.
I'm not saying I'm inexperienced I've had my kiss at some college party dorm was throwing. OK that was my only kiss and it was on the cheek but hey can you blame me I've been living in a cocoon of works.
I wonder when I will be a butterfly free of ever problem and people.
And God so help me society. Because let's face it society is cruel. Where kids of different color and ethnicities can hold hands and play where boys can be with boys and girls can be with girls without being judged, where someone can change themselves to another gender- no not another gender to their true gender without getting hate .
No one will ever except people for who they are because no one accepted Caitlyn Jenner and no one wanted to let gay and lesbians marry but why? Why should we have the right to marry but our fellow friends family and neighbors be shunned for what they believe in why should everyone always hate and be mean to others?
Wait what the fuck was I talking about. I don't even remember enough talk about society.
As I took my spoon from my third helping of cake I couldn't hell but laugh.
Just a couple of hours ago I was wondering if I was going to be late to my job interview now I am wallowing in cake and Crazy Eyes.
Aah my life is shit.
What the- looking around I search for my phone. Aah why is the vibration on but not the ring.
I clumsily pause the episode I was on and get up looking for it. Oh here it is under the pillow I was laying on.
I grab it with out looking at who it was
"Well if that is how you answer phones Ms.Wright I see I will have to find someone else with a little bit more of respect"
"Oh no I'm sorry ugh....."
Fuck it was the lady that job I was getting. I turn my microphone off and clear my throat turning it on I say,
"OH, Mrs.Candleway I am so sorry for the way I answered the phone it's just that I have be-"
"I don't want or could care less about your personal problems Ms.Wright" She says cutting me off.
"I just called to say that somehow you've got the job and you start tomorrow morning at 8"
"I'm sorry did you just say 8? Yah see there's this thing called sleep that is very dear to me ma'am"
"Well Ms.Wright if you can't handle waking up early then you are not suit for this job. Well you aren't suit for it in the first place but it wasnt me who chose you"
This bitch
"Oh madam I had no idea you felt that way too bad I will be there in the morning with a bright smile on my face just for you"