(Thank @Cleril16 for the idea of this chapter!!)
(Also, even though it does not happen in the books, Sunny and Starflight will be together. I just think it is adorable. My opinion though.)
<Epic_Assassin has started a new chat "Important! Guys only!">
Epic_Assassin has joined
xXTidal_WaveXx has joined
Stars_&_Scrolls has joined
Dragonet_BigWings has joined
Epic_Assassin: Glory is the best girlfriend EVER!!!!!!
xXTidal_WaveXx: No!!! Tsunami is!!!
Dragonet_BigWings: actually, its obvious that Peril is!
Stars_&_Scrolls: To be correct, Sunny is the best girlfriend that has ever existed!
Hyper_Rainbow has joined
Hyper Rainbow: Heard you yelling Deathbringer. Wanted to see why. Say the best thing your girlfriend has done for you and then decide. Kinkijou OUT!
Hyper_Rainbow has left
Stars_&_Scrolls: She did everything she could for me when I was blind.
xXTidal_WaveXx: She got me out of a prison with electric eel water walls.
Dragonet_BigWings: She tried to help me when I was injured.
Epic_Assassin: She saved me from a prison that was in an erupting volcano.
Epic_Assassin: Looks like Glory is the best!
Epic_Assassin has been dragged off by ^Rainbow_Queen^
xXTidal_WaveXx: So Tsunami is the best!
xXTidal_WaveXx has been removed from the computer by /~Princess_Of_The_Sea~\
Dragonet_BigWings: So Peril is the best girlfriend ever!
Dragonet_BigWings has left the computer before Hot~Champion comes after him
Stars_&_Scrolls: So, does that mean Sunny is the best!?
Happy_Weirdling has turned off Stars_&_Scrolls' computer
(Well, sorry @Cleril16 if you didn't like how it was, or how short is was. Other then that, bye!! -w-)
Wings of Fire Chatting
FanfictionSo, any suggestions for chapters, you can say, and I will try to do it. It doesn't matter if it's a ship happening or anything else. Also, the book will have characters coming in and out, and will be mainly focusing on the five dragonets(Glory, Sunn...