part 2

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Eleanor  answers the phone


"hi babe I am in my car just about to make my way home to see your pretty face"

"awww babe I cant wait for you to get back"

"ok well I better go then so I can make my way back"

"oh yeah see you in a bit then babe"

ok bye"


they end the call and Louis starts to make his way back home

Louis gets home and walks in to the kitchen were he finds his mom, Eleanor and his step dad

"you alright guys" Louis said

"oh my babe I missed you"

Louis mom said running over and giving him hugs and kisses

"I have missed you to" said Louis to his mom

his step dad walks over to him and gives him a manly hug

"good to have you back mate" he said

"thanks its good to be back"

Eleanor walks over and gives him and kiss and whispers in his ear

"lets go in the living room and talk about the tour"

so Louis and Eleanor  walked out the kitchen and in to the living room were they watched TV lying  together but Louis couldn't stop think about what happened with rose

Eleanor  looked at him and said

"babe are you ok"

"yeah why" Louis said still watching the TV"

"you seem upset or worried about something"

"no I am fine just tried so I think I might get an early night"

as he walked to his room he got a text so he pulled his phone out his pocket and read the text

'alright mate yeah I remember what happened you brought a fan backstage then you too walked away and I didn't see you till we went on stage but I think harry did Zayn'

"oh no I better phone harry"

Eleanor said "who you talking to babe"

"oh I wasn't might to say that out loud"

he run to his room shut the door and phoned harry

phone rang

on the phone: "oh hi Louis you alright"

"sort of did you see me with that fan like an hour before we went on stage"

on the phone: "yeah you brought her to meet us"

"yeah I know that but after we walked away from you guys"

on the phone: "oh yeah you walked in to a room with her and then closed the door but after that I not sure"

"oh right thanks"

on the phone: "did that help mate or not"

Louis could say northing but then he had to

"yeah that helped me a lot so thanks mate talk to you later maybe yeah"

"yeah sure"

Louis ended the call

he stared the engine and drove home

he walked thought the door and Eleanor ran other to him and took him in to the kitchen were his mom and his step dad was

THE DAY I SAW LOUISWhere stories live. Discover now