Chapter 1

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     I awoke to the faint sound of tapping on my window. Tap, tap, tap, tap. I got up slowly and walked over to the window grabbing my bat from behind the door as quietly as possible, praying to God that it wasn't one of the break-ins Mom has been talking about. I walked onto the balcony and saw someone or something running through the woods. I looked around and something shiny caught my eye. I sat the bat down and walked over to get a closer look at whatever it was. It was right on the edge of falling off. Great how in the hell am I going to get that.
     I decided to try I slid through the railing and slowly inched myself over. I was literally right over the shiny metallic object, but as I reached down to grab it I heard a crack. Before I knew it I was falling into the great unknown that awaited my presence below. As I fell deeper into the non existent black pit, I faced the fact that I was going to die. It was inevitable, that is, until I felt the warmth of someone's arms around me.
      I opened my eyes slowly and before I knew it everything was frozen. His blue eyes pierced through me like a dagger. I swear I was dead because he looked exactly like an angel.
     After what seemed like forever he stood me on my feet, and started to walk away. "Who are you? I asked. He turned around jogged back over to me and grabbed my face gently. He paused and then out of no where he kissed me. Sparks flew and my whole body started to tense up. When he finally broke the kiss he said "I'm your protector Bridget." He grabbed my hand and put something tiny in, then he took off before I could get another word out.
     I stood there stunned for what seemed like hours. I looked down at my hand, and to my surprise there laid the shiny object, which turned out to be a ring. The colors and design of the ring dazzled me. Carved in the ring was a sword and a shield of armor, separating the two was an embedded blue topaz jewel. "Bree are you ok?" And just like that I snapped back into reality.
I turned around to see my mom with a worried expression on her face. "Yeah Mom, I'm fine." I said as convincingly as possible. "You should be in bed you have to be up for school in a few hours." She said sounding concerned. "Yea Mom, I know, go back to bed and I'll try to get some rest." After a minute she said, "ok I love you." I smiled and said "love you to."
     When I got back up to my room I could barely lay down, much less get any sleep. I took the ring out of the out of my pocket, and a smile managed to work its way on my face. I set the ring down and grabbed my phone to check the time. Great it's already 3:35 a.m. and I have to be up for 5:30. School is going to  be a living nightmare tomorrow. I decided to text Carly because she is my best friend and probably just about the only one up at this time.
     Me: hey are you up because I really need to talk to you
     Carly: of course I have to do yoga at some point. Anyway what's up
     Me: I think I just had my first kiss
     Carly: NO WAY! Who with?
     Me: that's the thing I don't know
     Carly: tell me everything
     Me: ok but at school tomorrow
     Carly: uhhhh!!!! Such torchure!! Fine but I want full details
     Ok normally the first day of school is horrible but I really couldn't wait to pick Carly up so we can talk about what happened last night. Just as I pulled up at her house, I hardly had time to stop before she tried jumping in. "Ok so what happened?" By the time I told her everything we were pulling up at school.
     "So he didn't even tell you his name?" She asked. "Nothing all he said was in your protector Bridget." I said. "Wait how does he know your name?" She asked. "I don't know I didn't give it much thought." I responded. "Okay well I got to get to class, see you later." As I walked to class I thought about what Carly said. How did he know my name? Better question is how does he know me?
     I finally got to Mrs. Laborde's class for advanced math. I sat down put my headphones in and dazed off. About ten minutes later the door opened and to my surprise he walked in. "Sorry I'm late." He said with a huge smirk on his face. "It's okay, I'm not starting anything today. Take a seat." Mrs Laborde replied. He walked in and sat down in the empty seat next to me.
     He started staring at me, and smiled. I tried to ignore him but his smile was contagious. I looked over and said, "Can I help you?" He looked confused. "Don't you want to know who I am?" He asked. "Don't you think you should of told me that last night after you know after you kinda kissed me?" I snapped. "I didn't kinda kiss you I did kiss you." He said as he raised his eyebrows. "And I want to tell you everything I just can't right now."
     I started to ignore him again but he makes it impossible. "I'm Brent by the way." He said. "That's nice." I replied. "Bridget we really need to talk." He looked really serious. I sighed rolled my eyes and said "no you need to talk what I need is answers and if you won't give them to me then I don't see the purpose in furthering this conversation."
     He started to say something, but the bell rung. "You know what I got to go. Sorry it was nice talking to you. See you later Brent." I turned and started towards second block. I can't wait to go home. Thank God I'm partial day. Let's see I go to second, then lunch, then I'm free to go home.
     When I got to Carly already had my painting out and ready. I pulled my hair back and smiled at Carly. We started off working quietly, but I couldn't keep it in anymore. "His name is Brent." I blurted out. "Who are we talking about?" I looked her and we had this kind of silent conversation until she realized who we were talking about. "Oh, your "protector". Brent. Hmmm is he hot?" She smiled and laughed. I couldn't help but to laugh back. So once again I found myself telling her everything.
     By the time I finished we had ten minutes until the bell. We started packing up as Carly said "did you hear from Jay?" With a huge smile on her face. "No, why?" I responded. "He wants us to pick him up at the air port after school." She said. "Sounds like a plan." I told her. I'm fine with driving the distance because me and Carly barely get to see him in the summer. Mainly because he stays with his dad in New York in the summer.
     When the bell rung we went to go to lunch but I saw Brent, and I pulled Carly to the double doors and outside where I park. "Bree what's wrong?" She asked? "Nothing, I just figured we could go out to eat after we pick up Jay." I lied. I just really didn't want to deal with Brent. "That actually sounds really good." She said. We were walking to my car when I heard "Bridget wait up." I know not. I turned around and said "Brent I really don't have time for this. I have to meet a friend at the airport ." He looked at me and said "Okay, but tonight. Your house, on the balcony at eight. If you want answers you'll be there." I thought about it and said. "Okay at eight."
     When we got in the car, Carly like she wanted to explode. "You didn't say he was hot." I rolled my eyes, turned to her and said "Carly I love you to death but can you shut the hell up please?" She made a face and we both laughed. I threw my car in drive and we were on our way.
     It took us about an hour to get to the airport. As soon as we got there we ran to the gate and waited for everyone to get off. We searched everywhere and couldn't find him. After about fifteen minutes we gave up, then someone behind us said "looking for someone?" We both smiled, turned around and jumped in his arms. "Jay, oh my God we missed you." Carly said. "Yeah you hungry? I'm paying?" I added "I missed y'all to and yes,please, I'm starving." He put an arm around each of us and we walked to my car.
     When we got to the car there was weird looking guy leaned up against it. He was covered in tattoos and had a long ponytail. "Can I help you?" I asked the man. "Are you Bridget Turner?" He demanded. "Why is that any of your concern?" I asked. "I assume that's a yes. I have orders to take you to our headquarters." He said. I laughed it off. "What are you talking about?" He started walking towards me and repeated "I have orders to take you to headquarters."
     He grabbed my arm. "Like hell you are." Jay said as he grabbed the guys hand. The man turned around and punched Jay with his free hand. Jays nose was gushing blood. Carly was freaking out and tried to stop the bleeding. While the man wasn't paying attention I jerked free and started running. He started chasing me through the parking lot. After a couple of minutes he had me cornered. He started laughing and pulled out a gun.
     I officially didn't know what to do. He almost pulled the trigger, but instead he started grasping for breath. A blade pierced through his chest, and he fell to his knees. As he fell Brent came from behind him and to my side. He threw his arm around me, as I stared the body that belonged to the man who tried to kill me. Did Brent really just kill a man? Did he really just save my life? My knees were weak and gave out. Brent caught me and held me. "Come on I'll drive y'all home." He whispered in my ear.
     We walked over to Jay, and I pulled off my hoodie so I could try to stop the bleeding. Carly called drew to tell him to pick up my car so he could bring it to me in the morning. As Brent got Jay in the truck I settled in the front seat. Brent gave me his jacket to use as a blanket. It was so warm and smelled just like him. Within a couple minutes I dozed off.
     By the time I woke up we were in my driveway it was late. I looked at him and said "how's Jay?" He smiled and said "he's fine, I got him home." I really didn't want him to leave, but I know he has to go. I don't know what it is but I feel safe around him. "Well goodnight." I told him. "Sweet dreams Bridget." I got out the car and walked up the stairs.
     When I finally got to my room I laid  on my bed. I had a headache out of this world. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep until I heard I again. Tap, tap, tap, tap. A huge smile crossed my face. I got up and rushed to the balcony door, and there he was. "I didn't think you would want to be alone tonight. Honestly I like spending time with you." He said. "Well are you gonna come in." I asked.
     He walked over and sat down on my bed. He patted a spot on the bed next to him. "come on, I don't bite." He said. That's not what I'm worried about. Being in the same room with a guy I like is what scares me. I sat down on the bed next to him. "So you want to talk?" He asked. Honestly I was to tired for this. "We have all day tomorrow." I said. "Is that really how you want to spend your Saturday?" He asked. "As long as I get to spend it with you I really don't care." I replied.
     He pulled me in his arms and kissed my forehead. I looked up at him, and he slowly started to lean in. Our lips were touching. "One day I'm going to love you more then anything." He whispered against my lips. In response I said "of course." And he kissed me. He put his hand on my knee as his other hand held my face. His hand slid up my thigh as he deepened the kiss. I pulled back. "I'm sorry I'll slow down." He said with a little smirk on his face. " I love your face." I told him. He held me close and said "You want me to stay the night?" I nodded and he laid back on the pillow as I curled up next to him. His arm was around me and my head was in his chest. I felt his heartbeat it was slow and steady. I dozed of and within seconds I was out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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