Chapter 2

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You came up to me asking for help. I listened to you and followed like the idiot I am. I followed you deeper and deeper into the crappy estate. You told me that your friend was in trouble and since I did a course on health and safety you thought I could help. Damn, I should have seen the gaps in your story. I should have seen it coming. You always hung out with bad people so I shouldn't have trusted you. You always got into trouble so I shouldn't have followed you.

But I thought I knew you. It's funny how well someone could cover their true image so easily. All the lies they tell, all the stupid things you believe are all fake because they protect the evil person beneath. And you are evil. You are the cruellest person I know and I swear to god if I ever get my hands on you now I would wrap them around your neck and watched the life slip out of you. I would want to watch you die in front of me and that's when I would finally move on. I want to see you struggle for air as I close my hands tighter and tighter around your neck.

I wasn't like this. I was never this angry. You made me like this. You took everything away from me and you made me feel this angry. You made me feel worthless, unwanted and unimportant. You are cruel and manipulative.

You let me into the flat and I put my bag down on the floor. I had been here so many times that it felt like a second home to me. I heard the dogs barking outside and glanced outside to see the bull dog running around in the field. The owner sat at the bench, smoking with a beer in his hand. You turned around and locked the door. I suddenly felt uneasy because you never locked the doors. You were comfortable here and always told me that you knew everyone here so you didn't have to worry about anything.

That was when you made your first move. You put a hand up to my cheek and I flinched back, hitting the shoe box behind me. Your smile was replaced with a wicked smirk- so dirty and evil. I felt the blood rushing through my veins when I figured out what situation I was in. I felt my heart beat hard against my chest and put a hand on my chest to stop the sharp pain. You raised your hand back to my cheek and just before I raise my knee between your legs, you pressed the knife to my neck. Your breath flew through my open hair and I squeezed my eyes tight. The knife grazed against my neck as you let out a low chuckle.

I hoped that if I shut my eyes tight enough then maybe, just maybe this would all be a dream. Maybe you would go back to the person you were and I wouldn't have woken up in Kevin's warm arms but still be sleeping in them, my head tucked into his neck. I so desperately wanted to turn back time and go back to the morning kisses with Kevin and breakfast with my family. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to be pressed against the wall with my eyes squeezed tight and a cold blade pressed against my skin.

That's when you really started. You threatened me, telling me that if I tried anything then you would cut me. I knew you well enough to know that you weren't lying about that. You untied the flannel shirt I had wrapped around my waist. Tears started to burn my eyes as I realised where this was going. An eerie silence settled around the flat. The dog barking seemed miles away and I felt myself drifting away from the world. You pressed your chapped lips against my neck and I tried my best not to flinch. You had the knife pressed firmly against me so I knew that if I moved it would only pierce into my skin.

I felt my body freeze. I couldn't move my legs as you ran your tongue up to my jaw. I felt my arms freeze as you crept your hands under my crop top. Your rough fingers ran across my stomach. Inch my inch they came across my back and touched the back of my bra strap. The tears were running down freely now but I made no sound. I slowly opened my eyes, glancing behind you to see the door in reach. Just as you managed to unhook my bra, I ducked under your arms and ran towards the door. I would have made it if it wasn't for the lock. I couldn't feel my legs or my hands. I fumbled over the lock but before I could even try and open it, you had pulled me back by my hair. I cried out in pain as I landed flat on the floor. I tried again but this time you had a gun pointing at my face.

I realised then that I couldn't get away from you. I couldn't run away because you would always be there to catch me. I curled into a ball as my silent tears turned into sobs. You tutted. You looked down at me and then suddenly pounced. I let out cries of pain as your heavy body pressed tightly against mine. You put the gun away and took hold of the knife again. I tried to push you away but you had already thought ahead and was already tying up my hands. I didn't made it easy for you. I moved around too much for your liking and made too much noise. You brought the gun to my face again. I knew it wasn't worth it. I knew that I was stuck here.

After you threatened to kill my family, you put the gun away and went back to kissing my neck. I sobbed silently as your lips kissed my body and your rough fingers pulled my crop top over. You tore off some duct tape and secured it over my mouth. I cried out but no one would be able to hear the muffled cries of help. No one would hear you threatening me if I didn't give my body to you. You smirked at me as you cut off the straps to my bra. I cried out again as I saw your evil eyes ran over my breast.

Just like an animal, you pounced. You had your fingers roughly pressing them and your mouth and tongue over them. I felt so disgusted. I felt like it was a bad dream. I hoped it was a bad dream. I lay there crying, looking up at the ceiling thinking how God could be so cruel in letting this happen. How could God watch this happen to me?

I had no better option other than to drift off. I tried to picture myself at home watching T.V while my mum complained about how stupid the show was. She always hated what I watched but sat there and watched anyways.

You tore off my jeans. That was what brought me back to reality. I screamed for someone to help me but all cries for help was blocked by the tape. My body shook as I sobbed, wishing someone would come and help me. I wished at that point you would see what you're doing is wrong and that you would stop and let me go. You didn't stop though. You looked down at my plain black briefs and dug your fingers under them. I never knew I could cry so hard. I never knew I could feel so disgusted with being in my body. You shoved your rough fingers into me as your mouth returned to my breast. You didn't care that I was beneath you, crying out in pain as you fingered me or that you were doing this without my consent. You didn't care that you were hurting me. That you disgusted me. You didn't know because you didn't care.

You didn't care that you were my brother.

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