{{{YO YO YO OK SO just a little message that I wanna send out at the start of this fanfiction, ok I wanna make some stuff clear but if you're like me you're just not gonna read this anyway *teehee* um so

1) I DONT  THAT SOPHIE IS RUDE OR MEAN OR IN ANYWAY A MIRROR IMAGE TO HOW I HAVE DESCRIBED HER SO DO NOT THINK THAT, I think that Sophie is a wonderful woman with a lot of talentz oki thank bby


3) pls if u can refrain frm cpying meh pls do so I tri vvv hard at riting thiz buk sew yuh k thunking u

OK WELL I HOPE Y'ALL ENJOY, please leave feedback etc. etc. etc.}}}

"I'm gonna miss you.." He whispered in my ear as we separated from our embrace, I tried to smile at him but it was forced and fake. Regardless of what emotion I was trying to display, tears kept falling down my face.
"Yeah, well, you should've thought of that before you cheated on me." Now, you may wonder why I would hug a man who'd cheated on me. It's because I'm weak, pathetic and I needed sympathy. It was a rather short relationship that came to an abrupt end, of course nobody knew about us; it would be bad publicity for him. But I was a nobody, I could fuck 20 guys and nobody would give me a second glance. After what I'd said his mouth gaped open, I suppose he didn't think I could be so straight-forward about what had gone on; he has a right to think that, he doesn't know me particularly well.
"Can we still be friends at least?" He gives me a sheepish glance, as if embarrassed of what he'd done, rightly so!
"Yes I suppose.." He's a funny chap; that's what you'd expect from a stand-up comedian. I don't want to loose anymore friends, and he has been reasonably kind to me, I'll wait to see how things 'play out' for now.

I turn and leave the platform and entrain. The carriage was rather busy, so I sat in the first seat I found. I was next to a man who looked about my age. From a passing glance I noted, he had brown curly hair and eyes that looked green in colour. A striking young bloke. However, I wasn't quite in the mood for conversation so my earbuds were jammed into my ears and a random playlist was started. He turned to look at me and we exchanged smiles briefly before he was distracted again by something elsewhere in the cabin.

*lol trains n shit time skip*

The train stopped abruptly, signalling its arrival in Brighton. I envy people who live in Brighton, the attractive sea town that's known for it's jovial people and has been dubbed 'the UK's gay capital'. If it weren't for family reasons, I would move to Brighton in a heartbeat.

I look across to the man who'd sat next to me, grabbing his bag and leaving the carriage. As he left, I notice a coat sprawled out on the chair, obviously left by the stranger. Seeing as it was chucking it down with rain, I decided I would take the coat in question to the poor man who had made the mistake of leaving it here.

Grabbing my handy backpack and the jacket, I ran after him. However, being as clumsy as I am; misjudging how far away he was, and ran into him.
"Shit I'm terribly sorry" awkwardly comes from my mouth and I tumble off of him and hold out a hand to help him up.
"It's alright, why are you in such a rush.. If you don't mind me asking," he finally says, after being assisted in getting up.
"I, umm.. Well, you left your coat on the train." I hand it to him before walking away to look at the board, checking when I could catch the next train to Hastings.

Hastings, a lesser known English seaside town. Not a place I would like to live myself, but Megan seems content there and my purpose isn't to tell her where to- or where not to- live. The only knowledge of the place I have is that 'The Battle Of Hastings' took place in the year 1066 (Hastings direct, 0800 00 1066), in, you guessed it, Hastings! It'll be my first time ever in Hastings, and the first time I've seen Megan since university. To say I'm excited to see her would be an understatement. Unfortunately, there aren't any more trains to Hastings this evening, so I'll have to find a hotel or the equivalent to stay in overnight.

After firing a quick message to Megan saying what had gone on, turning to leave the station, I notice that the man is still stood there. Looking at me with confusion on his features, all the while his face looks slightly amused. I stare back at him, he smiles at me. Then he walks over, everything had been so rushed before I hadn't had a chance to really look at his face. And to be honest, on the train I just couldn't be bothered to make any attempts at being social. The man looked oddly familiar, and as he got closer I realised that it was PJ.

PJ Liguori, the man who was not a man when I knew him, but a boy who was there for me when nobody else was. He stood up for me when they picked on me, when I didn't want to be there anymore. He made me open my eyes, view everything from a different and more elegant perspective, he made me more in touch with my 'artistic' side.
He smirks at me, realising that I had only just recognised him.
"I'm a little hurt that you couldn't remember me." He spoke with mock pain in his voice.
"Oh, shut it you." I fire back, reaching out to hug him. His hugs were always the best, he made me feel safe, warm and comfortable. He smiles down at me before asking what I'm doing in Brighton, I tell him my situation and he invites me back to his flat as a sort of repayment for bringing back his coat. "Oh please, if you'd have recognised me on the train you'd have asked me to come with you anyway" I say sarcastically, he laughs then nods at me.
"Yeah, yeah I would.."

**le time skip brought to you by le baguette oui oui Monsieur**

"SOPHIE!" He breaks the eerie silence as he enters the hallway, myself following closely behind him. A girl, presumed to be Sophie, that I recognised vaguely as a friend of PJ's that I'd seen whilst scrolling aimlessly through rubbish posted on Facebook. She seems happy to see him, as she skips into the hallway with a smile on her face. Her face smile seems to drop slightly when she sees me but she smiles again and looks back to PJ.
"Hey you're back, who's your friend?" She looks back to me, a glint of jealousy in her eyes.
"Oh, Soph, this is Florence, Flo this is Sophie!" He smiles at her, then turns to smile at me. I wait for her to say something, but when she doesn't we fall into an awkward silence.
"It's.. Um, nice to meet you Sophie." I smile at her, attempting to initiate a friendship with her. She just nods, and tension takes over the room once again.

After getting over the -slightly- awkward situation, I was offered to watch TV. Normally I would take up this offer, but I was knackered from actually doing stuff. For once.
"I'm kind of tired, where can I sleep?" He takes me to, what I assume is the 'spare bedroom' and tells me where the bathroom is. After putting my pyjamas on, heading to the loo and brushing my teeth. I heard PJ and Sophie talking rather loudly in another room, about me.
"Why do you think it's ok to bring someone home with you from off the train, you've only just got back Peej. I wanted to spend time with you!"
"You're speaking like we're dating, she's leaving tomorrow anyway, soph. We can hang out then, plus we kind of live together. We're always alone, could you just calm yourself?" From the tone that Sophie was speaking in, I was surprised at how calmly he replied to her. PJ hardly ever raised his voice, at least not when I knew him, I'd assumed he would have change. "What's not to love about Florence, anyway?" My face becomes heated as his words repeat in my head  what's not to love about Florence? I smile to myself and walk to the room I was to stay in, complete disregard for what insults Sophie had for me.

((Word count; 1363))

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