the beginning (I'm good at names)

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It all began in August of July 5 anums was chilli get at his  house when suddedly *boom* spolsio s he want outside wen he found a spice shap ohhh noon he cried to space you killed my father he the. Said the cyborg ninja pirates on the spaceship laughs at ham he then shouted fusion Rohan dahlia and the ninjas flew into space he stole there pride ship and flew after with layers but it was too late his father was d was dead so he went backwards of. Earth and went bivk in tem to the day before and shot dahlia spice pirates with layers guns pew pew ohhh yess he screamed for revenge was his but all too late as his father was killed again by scorpion from street fighter ohhh noon he cried to the killer in Stockton character so he crashed spaceship into submission zero and said f#@# you and so he did the sax dahlia ind

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