The G.A.M.E.

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•Chapter 1•

"Don't look back! Don't look back!" I chanted to myself as I ran.

I was running from the police, from my family, friends, my past, my present, and probably my future. I'm running from my faults, my pain, and my problems, in hope to better myself.

I felt this sharp pain, as a tumbled to the ground. This pain that I felt, I knew to well.

I was shot.

Everybody told me that all my shit would catch up to me. Did I believe them? Hell no! Now look at me. I'm leaving everything I know.

Drugs, sex, killing. That's my life. One that I've lived since I was 14, smoking weed in the back with my friends at football games. I'm now 21, still doing the same shit.

Let me introduce myself. I am Trey Kimari Davis Jr. I am 21 and I grew up in the Long Street complex. Yes, the hood.

As I lay on the ground, I reflect on my life, and on everything that I've done. I pray to God that I make it through this! But I do remember how it all started. It was the first day of summer vacation, A.K.A my last day of eighth grade......

•7 Years Ago•

"Trey, go to the store and pick me up some milk and Velveeta cheese?" My mother yelled from the upstairs bathroom. She was having the family and some friends over for Sunday dinner and a party.

"Aiight ma. Where the money at?"

"Check out in Jeffrey's line and put it on my charge account."

"Aiight. Aye ma, can I put some Doritos on your charge account?"

"Sure, get a two liter of Mountain Dew and Pepsi also. And a Hawaiian Punch for the kids."

"Aiight, I got'chu!" I said as I put on my fresh new pair of J's and headed out. We live in the hood. Everybody knew everybody. It was good and bad at the same time. You just had to know who to trust.

"And take Destiny with you."

I groaned. Destiny's my little ten-year-old sister. And she was hella annoying! And she sure has a mouth on her and an attitude on deck.

She came down the stairs with her church clothes still on.

"Destiny, go take off your dress and sandals, please?" I asked her. If she gets a tiny minuscule piece of dirt on it, who gets in trouble? Me. Cause I let her walk out the house with that on and she got it dirty.

"Shut up!" She exclaimed, about to walk out the door. I hate her so much.

I snatched her arm and pulled her back. "Mama, tell Des to change out of her church clothes!" I yelled to my mom. Call me a snitch if you want, but I ain't getting my ass whooped cause she messed her shit up.

"Destiny, you know fucking better!" my mother yelled. "Go change out your clothes right now!"

"Snitch." she rolled her eyes as she went upstairs to her room.

"Bitch." I mumbled loud enough for her to hear me but low enough for my mom to not.

"Oooh I'm telling." She exclaimed as she walked up the stairs. "Mama..."

Destiny came back down, 15 minutes later with some shorts on, a tank top, and some flip flops. "Took you long enough." I barked as I opened the door and she walked out as I followed her. "Mama needs this stuff to make this Mac & Cheese before everyone gets here, and you takin' your good ole sweet time!"

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