There is a legend that says there will be a White werewolf with blue eyes that will save the pack of nights and her name is Rose but will she save or will she Bring destruction to the pack of nights. Well she is on her journey she Falls in love wit...
Sorry I have been so Busy but here it is plz comment on it ---------------------------------------------- Violet and I were playing sorry it was her turn she picked a card she showed me I smiled at her "that's a 8" she looked at the card again "1,2,3,4,5.....,6.......,7...,8"
"How old are you Violent"
"I'm 6"
"That's cool" I gave her a smile next I know I hear big foot steps coming down the stairs I look to see Rex, he walked up to Violent got to her high "May I take my mate back"
"Yeah" She got off her chair and walked way I laughed And got up from my chair and walk up to Rex "So what's so important that you had to take me way from my game"
"Well I was thinking that we go on a date"
"Yeah so be ready at 7:00"
"Ok" It was 6:00 and I call for Sam to come and help me she gave me a short red dress. 'What do you think moon' 'I think we look Beautiful' 'Same'
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"What you think Sam"
"You look beautiful Luna Rose"
"Hahaha you don't have to call me Luna ok Sam"
"Ok wait what time is it"
"Oh shit it's 6:56 I need to meet him outside thank you Sam for everything" I yelled running down the stairs "no problem Rose" I walk out the front door to see Rex standing next a limo he's all dressed up he looks so handsome "Are you going to stare at me all day or we can go to our date"
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"I'm coming" . . . . . . . . We showed up to this beautiful restaurant Rex ran to my size and open the door for me I get out we walk in and a girl shows us were we sitting.
I sit down and Rex sits across from me a Burnett girl with chocolate brown eyes walk "I'm Tracy and ooo and what is your name"
"Miss Tracy I like to eat and if you can stop trying to flirt with my boyfriend"
"Your boyfriend ha he should have a more prettier girl like me not you"
"Tracy stop embarrassing yourself before someone gets hurt now I will like C and my boyfriend will like A" she walked away a then she Bring us back our food " Rose do you know it's a special today "
"Really what's so special today"
"It be three months since we meet"
"Rose I want to tell you something and I know we have only now each other for a month but I love you and you promise you will never leave me" as he grabbed my hand.
"Oh Rex I love you too and I will never leave you, your my first everything."