Niall Imagine

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You and Niall have been a couple for 8 years and a quarter and you already have a beautiful little girl named Kara and a beautiful young boy called Tommy. Kara and Tommy are twins but not identical. They both have luscious blonde hair taking after their daddy and have cute bulging sea blue eyes. Their both seven years old and have bright glowing personalities.

It's Christmas Day and you and Niall are still tucked in bed asleep until they come storming in jumping on the bed shouting "It's Christmas! it's Christmas!". You rubbed your eyes and yawn and sit up nudging Niall. He opens one eye and you smile. You grab your dressing gown rap it tight and pick Kara up so her legs are wrapped around you and she is hugging your neck. you hold Tommy's hand and walk down stairs. you switch the light on and under the grand tree is presents stacked up.

"Santa came! Santa came! Come on daddy!" Tommy shouts running towards the presents searching for his. You let Kara down and she runs down next to Tommy all excited.

Niall comes down in his plain white top and boxer like shorts and smiles at you and then the kids. He puts his hands around your waist and kisses you and then smiles and next runs towards your kids and says "who's ready for there prezzies?" You smile and join them.

You give them their presents and looking at there happy faces made you remember how depressed you have been the last month due to the hate and rumours however this day was made for you and your family to be happy.

Just thinking about it made you think, I don't care, I have a beautiful husband and two healthy happy children, they can spread want they want their not going to change my life! You said speaking to your self and smiling.

It was now time for you and Niall to clean up all the empty boxes and wrapping paper. As you was near the tree Niall stood and pointed under the tree where their was some more wrapping paper. He watched you pick it up and realise their was one present left. It wasn't wrapped but it was in a little box with a tag on the side saying 'To (your name) from Niall xxx' You turned to see him smiling and you smiled back. You stood up with Niall behind you looking over your shoulder as you opened it. It was a gold necklace, with a thin strong chain, it was an opening necklace so you opened it. Inside was two separate photos; one was you and Niall and on the other was Kara and Tommy. You closed it and held it close to your heart and whispered "will you put it on for me?". You handed it to Niall and you swiped your hair to one stair and turned to face the mirror where you watched Niall put it on.

The necklace fitted you perfectly and you placed your hair back to normal. Facing Niall you said " Thankyou", you kissed as Kara and Tommy came down and all you heard was "ewwww!" You and Niall laughed as they ran back up stairs to play.

You got changed and started to prepare some christmas dinner.Kara came running to you in her new princess dress she got from 'Santa'. It was pink as you can imagine and she wore her tiara and she swooshed her little sparkly wand around you.

"Twinkle twinkle little star, mummy that is what you are" She sang while dancing around you.

You put the knife you was using down and picked her up. "Have you had a good Christmas?" You asked in a soft sweet voice. "Umm yeah" She said in a disappointed voice... Your face dropped and you felt sorry for her "what's wrong?" You asked. "Well this wand is purple and I wanted it to be pink" she said looking down. You was relieved as you fought it might have been something more serious. "Well if you want I can write Santa a letter and send this one back and ask for a pink one?"

She smiled and nodded. You let her down and she ran off back up stairs and starting singing again.

You shout everyone down for dinner and Niall enters and kisses your cheek, "wow this looks amazing eh kids?" Niall said all ready digging in.

"Yeah!" They both shout." You all dig in and by the time your done your all stuffed!

It's now silent in the house, Tommy and Kara asleep ready for waking up tomorrow and spending another day with their new toys. You grab your new soft pj's and put them on

and walk out the bathroom which is attached to the side of yours and Nialls room.

"Niall", you say standing in the bathroom door smiling at him. "Yeah" he says looking up from his magazine.

You raise your eye brows thinking he would soon click on with what you was about to say. At first he looks confused and looks at you for a while but then he clicks.

"Really? Is this really happening? Are you positive?" If says chucking the covers of himself. He runs up to you and puts his arm over your tummy and hugs you. He then whispers "were going to live happily ever after my beautiful princess".

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