Webkinz Love

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My eyes flickered between my teacher Ms. Rome and the clock. I sighed as the clock read 2:15. "c'mon c'mon" i whispered under my breath as the time got closer to 2:20. Finally the clock struck 2:20 and the bell rang. I jumped from my seat and raced to my locker where my best friend Jenna was waiting for me.

"Ariana! Ariana!" she yelled as i approached her in the hallway.

"Hey my nigga!" i hollered.

"So are you going to go home or go to the bird rescue with me?" she questioned.

I looked away and rolled my eyes as she asked me that becasue all she fucking talks about is birds.

"No I have to go home. My dog needs to be fed." I said.

"Oh. Thats to bad these birds are in need of your help!" She was so annoying when it came to birds.

"Look at this picture of Maria my bird. Shes one of the kind you could be saving." Ive see this picture like 8794365736587 times. Shut the fuck up.

"Ahhhh sorry I cant." I awnsered, and with that I bolted to my bike.

I put my helmet on because safety first! Then I hopped on and sped away. On my ride home I thought about how much I actually dislike the blonde girl I call my friend. Jenna. She was over obbsessive with animals and all that shit. I was sick of it, but she was my only friend so I had to deal.

As I pulled up to my apartment complex I took my bike and helmet in the garage, and quickly ran inside. As I enetered I flung my tennis shoes off and layed my fanny pack neatly on the counter and ran to my room quickly opening my laptop.

My fingers fumbled over the keyboard going as quick as possible to type my username: tabitha111 and password: catlover1772. I was finally logged in. I had anticipated this all day long. I sighed of relief as I fed my golden retriver named Eileen. Her food level was at 50% and I got it up to 100%. #YAYZZZ

I love webkinz I smiled to myself.:))))))

As I was playing Pizza Palace, something caught my eye. The highscore of the day was given to a pllayer with the name of hazzabear306. lol. One of the members of my totes fav band was called hazza. Thats funny I thought to myself. I decided it would be fun to friend them cause their username was so hipster.


I decided I had enough Webkinz for the day after my 57th game of Tile Towers. So I closed the tab and set my laptop on a nearby desk. As I got ready for bed I couldnt help but wonder about the player hazzabear306. I hope they accept my friend request as they seem pretty chill and hipster. I combed my brown hair and brushed my pearly whites. I listened to Back for You by One Direction (my favorite band) as I drifted into a deep slumber, wondering what would come of my webkinz tomorrow. I dreamed of Webkinz that night and hazzabear306.


Sup bitchesss. This is my first fanfic so dont judge. lolllloll jk ha GAyeeee!!!!!!!!! But for realzzz dudes and dudets you be my niggas and ilysm bbys. Have a wonderful life and ill make sure to update this fabulous fanfic about my two fav things in the world (1d and webkinz) as soon as possible. PEACE OUT MY NIGGASSSS!!!!

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