The lyrics speak when I could not
My fading voice, my throat caught
My silenced, muted, unheard pleas
My point of view they'll never seeThe melody, it revives
My body that is half alive
A prodigy that hates to thrive
I don't care if I don't surviveThe beat is one wit my heart
A rhythm that won't fall apart
The meaning is one with me
Finally, someone heard my pleasSongs, they understand
Just like a best friend
The lyrics flow in my blood
It also makes my eyes floodSongs
Do they speak for souls?
Do they act for songs?I could have lost too much of myself
To morph into the image of a song
Songs could have been stripped, dissected bare
To fit in a world where meanings go unnoticedIs it scary
That I'm a living host of a song?
Or is it sad
Songs are underappreciated?One thing is certain
Both need each other
Song with no soul is plain
Soul with no song is dull
Ebony Snow And Ivory Holes
Poetry((Previously known as Bleeding Darkness)) Grasping reality. Ignoring the world. Embracing fantasy. Running from the voices. A tragicomedy, The world is; With happy-go-luckies And sad cynics. Confusing thoughts are tossed back and forth, In the mind...