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May 27th, 2025

Nothing out of the ordinary happens to me, or so I thought. If I were to go back to last year and ask myself what my plan was, it would be easy. I would finish my senior year at the University of Washington, apply for a job working in psychology, and start living on my own. I would have a simple life that was planned out and made me feel secure.

A lot can change in a year, and I know I'll never be the same. Gone are the days knowing what would happen each time I woke up and went to sleep. The world that's now filled with chaos and uncertainty is terrifying, and deep down, I'm scared. I've made it over a year without the infection getting to me, but with that, I've seen many not make it. The group I'm with is what keeps me going and gives me the strength to make it out alive. I wish I could go back in time, to tell myself not to answer Jade's phone call, to not agree on the trip, and to somehow prepare myself better for this emergency.

Each camp we find brings me closer to hope with new information that guides us in the right direction. I have to tell myself the cure is coming, and safety is closer with each step I take. If you're finding this journal, please know I tried. I hope it's provided you with the knowledge needed to continue. Don't give up and keep fighting.

With love,

Bree Alderman


May 25th, 2024

"Come on Bree, it'll be fun! Don't make me travel to Los Angeles by myself!" Jade pleaded with me over the phone. In her defense, a vacation was definitely what I needed after successfully getting through finals.

"I don't know Jade because I wasn't planning on going anywhere. My summer classes start in a few weeks and I don't want to feel tired when they start. I need time to mentally recover after last semester."

"It will just be for the week, plus we need some girl time! I never get to see you anymore."

I can hear the tone in her voice change and immediately knew the guilt was about to sink in. It was true I hadn't spent a lot of time with her lately. During the last month of school, I isolated myself in my dorm with a pile of psychology books and papers to keep me busy. This trip would be a fun way to kick off summer break.

"Fine. I'm in as long as you stop harassing me about it. You're lucky I didn't make any plans."

Jade squealed in the other end of the phone, satisfied she got her way. She explained that she was going with her boyfriend, Patrick, but he chose to bail out the last minute and have a guys weekend instead. It was an argument I'm lucky I wasn't around for. Patrick is the typical bro with no consideration about anyone or anything except for his reputation. I know I would regret it if I let her go by herself and a shopping week in the California sun away from my tiny dorm sounded appealing.

"I knew you would say yes! Our flight leaves tomorrow at 6 am, so you better start packing! I'm sorry I gave you such short notice, but Patrick told me tonight over dinner and I was scrambling to find someone to go with. I'll work on getting the name of the ticket changed. I have so much planned for us! We'll go sightseeing, shopping, and have a much-needed recap since the last time we saw each other!"

As Jade was telling me everything she had planned for us, I started to tune her out so I could focus on packing. I folded my clothes neatly and stacked them gently into my suitcase. I looked up at my clock and saw it was already 11. I'm not a morning person, so getting up in four hours was a thought I wanted to forget.

"Okay, sounds good!" I abruptly interrupted her mid-sentence so I can get off the phone and zip-up my suitcase.

"Well, geez, if you wanted to hang up, you should've told me! Goodnight Bree, I love you! I'll meet you at the airport at 4:30."

"Love you too."

I laughed at how well she knew me. We've been best friends since high school, so I wouldn't have agreed to go on this trip if it had been anyone else. She goes to Seattle University, which isn't too far away, but lately, it's been harder for me to make time to see her.

I hung up the phone and double-checked what I packed in my suitcase. I made sure to over-pack this time because the last trip we went on, I didn't prepare and had to go hiking in flats. I zip up the suitcase and roll it by the door. 

"Who knows what I'll be doing with her on this trip," I mumble to myself.

I plop on my twin bed and get under the soft covers. My mind is racing because I always get anxious about traveling. I think of anything and everything that could go wrong, a constant struggle of life. I could lose my luggage or forget something essential, or worse, the plane could crash, or I could get kidnapped.

The more I think about leaving on this trip, the more unsettled I feel.

"I'm just overthinking it, stop being ridiculous."

I take a deep breath and set the alarm on my phone. I remind myself again how I would be boarding the plane in less than 6 hours and quickly shut my eyes. I already know this trip will be one for the books, and with that, I'm out like a light.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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