Chapter 4

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So we got some money off dad and took it to the cafe owners. They were really greatful for our kind donation and told us that the next time we're there our food is on the house. SCORE!!

I walked into school the next day and saw Jaymi. I waved at him but he didn't wave back. It felt like he was ignoring me. I paid no attention to it and walked to find Sophie at her locker.

"Heey chica wassup?" She smiled as she gathered her books up in her arm.

"Nothing really. Have you been speaking to Jaymi?"

"Nope not today why?"

"It doesn't matter".

My best friend gave me a concerned look but left it at that. We walked to our favourite place to sit at school in the mornings. Its outside behind the school, just beside the football field. The boys were out practising. I could see James there. Ew. So I should probably fill you in on what happened between me and James. We were friends when we were 12. We then started dating once we were 13. Then I caught him making out with Emma. Yup turns out he was cheating on me for most of the time. He kept calling me for weeks leaving me voicemails saying how it was the biggest mistake of his life and will I take him back. Adrian beat him up for me once but that still didn't get him to back off. Everyone now and again I see him around and everytime he's staring at me. Its kinda disturbing to be honest.

"Do you want to leave?James is down there.." Sophie asked.

Did I forget to mention that James is Sophies twin brother? Yeah I don't know how he turned out to be a stalker since Sophie is so nice. Maybe his parents dropped him as a baby?

"Nah it's fine I'll live" I laughed.

I started telling Sophie about how Adrian and I donated money to cafe owners. She seemed a little shocked.

"Wait..Your saying that the bad boy Adrian donated money to a cafe?! Was he high as a kite at the time or what??"

"I keep trying to tell you he's nice and not as tough as he acts."

"Talking about me again now are we ladies?" I heard that annoying arogent voice behind me.

"James you wish we were talking about you but we're not. Go back to your practise." Sophie snarled. James and Sophie haven't been on the best terms lately. Since he broke her curling iron all hell broke loose in that house and now Sohpie can't even look at him without sending him daggers.

"Practise is over little sis.Not that you'd have noticed since you were drooling over the quarterback all morning"

Sophie's cheeks turned a deep shade of red. Soph has the biggest crush on our schools quarterback Joey. I can't blame her because he is really goodlooking, just not my type. Been there and done that with a footballer.

"What do you want James?" Sophie snapped

"Can I not say hello to my twin sister and her best friend who's gorgeous?"

"Just shoot me now." I whispered

Once again we were saved by the bell. I grabbed my best friends arm and made our way to history. My blood was boiling at James. I can't believe him we break up and he still goes around flirting with me. Pass me a bucket please.


First period felt like it would never end. I walked into the cafeteria and looked for Sophie. She was nowhere to be seen. Then I spotted Jaymi sitting beside Emma. woah wait Emma?? What's he doing with that thing? I watched as he put his arm around her shoulder. My jaw hit the floor. She was laughing up at him and listening to whatever he was saying.

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