"I was just talking about the Buckeyes; I'm a college football fan. I like sports too, you know" - Blaine
"People have been celebrating Valentine's Day for centuries, and call me a hopeless romantic, but it's my favorite holiday. I think there's something really great about a day where you're encouraged to just lay it all on the line and say to somebody: "I'm in love with you!" "- Blaine
"Oh, way to break the stereotype!" - Kurt
"Hello. I'm Kurt Hummel and I'll be auditioning for the role of kicker." - Kurt
a/n: oh look another attmept at me trying to bring class back to fan-fiction on wattpad

Fanfiction"Doesn’t matter if they are yelling at me or whispering behind my back: they can’t touch me. They can't touch us or what we have." -Kurt Hummel Because god knows these two are the best fucking couple on all of television