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A week has gone by, I was constantly by her side. But she couldn't see me. She doesn't sleep, she cut herself last week and she doesn't eat anymore. It kills me. I know my body is still alive but they haven't found it. I dont even know where i am.
Every night she would scream and cry for me. Its hurting me in a way I couldn't explain.
"HENRY!?!" she yells at the top of her lungs into my pillows. She wore my clothes and slept in my bed.
And when she sleeps I lay there wrapping my arms around her, trying to make her feel that I'm there but it never worked.

I lied there her in my cold arms as she shivered in her sleep. "I wish you could feel me.." I whisper in her ear. She rustles a little in her sleep touching where my hand was lying. I smile small as she looks like an angel in her sleep.

I wish I had never gotten into the gang, none of this would have ever happened.

She suddenly woke in tears, "henry?" She's looking around for me but doesn't see me then lays down again.
She's miserable.

Today I'm going to look around, I can't remember where they dumped me off.i The last thing i remember is being beat and then them making me drink a horrible tasting liquid. Then a rag pressed over my mouth and nose.
I can still smell that awful chloroform smell.
It leaves the most awful headache.

I closed my eyes and suddenly I was standing outside the forest.
Nathan was there looking suspicious.
"Where the fuck are you, you fucking prick?!" He whispered to himself, just then a black van pulls up and big men get out cornering him.
"What are you doing here, Nate?" The man said darkly. My stomach went uneasy. "Where did you put his body?!" He panicked and I could tell he regretted asking. He was beat and left there probably to die. But he wasn't that badly hurt.

I went over to him. "Please...find my body Nate.." I whispered and vanished into thin air.

I woke up again I was in bed again, Hallie was sleeping for once peacefully. I lay there watching her, she was dreaming, I could tell by the way her eyelids fluttered.

"I love you baby girl..." I whispered in her ear, she smiled a little as if she could hear me.

Then she woke up. "Henry?.." And then she looked over directly at me.
"Henry!" She lunged herself at me but her hug failed as she fell right through my chest.

She looked up at me absolutely mortified.
Looking at me like I was a Monster.

Sorry for being so late and its kinda short...

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