Loki's Escape And Natasha's Wounded Sister

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Natalia's POV
After the whole team's pointless arguement, the lab was blown up. Natsha and I were blown apart, she landed by Bruce. I flew into the steel wall hard and landed by Steve Rogers. "Tali are you alright?" Natasha asked concern flooding her voice. "I am fine Natty, try to get away from Bruce before Hulk shows." I told her. "Ranger head to the prison block with Coulson keep Loki from getting away!" Fury ordered me. "Yes sir." I replied and sped to the prison block. When I got there Loki was over by the control panel and Thor was in the Hulk cage. "Loki back away from the panel NOW!" I demanded with anger laced in my voice. Loki raised his hand as if he was surrendering but he disapeared. I was looking around while slowly walking toward the panel to release Thor. "Ranger behind you!" Thor yelled at me in warning but I was too slow to react. Loki grabbed my arms and pinned them in the air while slamming me against the wall hard. "What are you going to do now girly?" Loki mocked. "Let me go Loki." I said. "No, I still haven't forgotten about what you said to me from earlier. Now I do believe that it is time for you to be punised for it." Loki said with a smirk. I instantly got a bad feeling about the whole situation. I began to struggle against his hold. "Now now dear Natalia, lets see what I can do to break your will power and how long you can last, but first I must get rid of my oaf of a Brother." Loki said while pressing the drop button. Loki then returned his attention back to me. He started to walk toward me with an evil smirk on his face. As soon as he got to me he stopped and lifted his hand to place it right beside my ribcage. "Where to start, Where to start?" He mumbled to himself.
"What are planing Loki?" I asked with fear laced in my voice. "Oh just a non painful punishment for you girly." He said grinning like a hyena. He then placed his other hand by my neck. "I am going to enjoy this very much, the world's best Agent sqwerming in my grasp." He beamed. "You are insain!" I yelled in his face. In less than a second Loki started poking my in the ribs lightly. "NO!!" I shreaked before bursting into a giggeling fit. Loki smirked at my reaction and moved to my sides. His touch was so light that it tickled like hell. I then started to try to move my body away from his hand. "Now now don't do that or else it will be worse for you." Loki scolded. I still continued trying to avoid his tickling fingers. All of a sudden Loki dug his other hand on to my neck making me shreak and sqwirm like a worm that was picked up. "It tickles doesn't it my dear?" Loki teased which only made it worse for me. "Quit it loki!" I said inbetween giggles." Not going to happen Love." He taunted. His face was close enough to mine that it would be easy to headbutt him. I launched my head forward hitting Loki's nose making it bleed. "You will pay for that mortal!" He sneared with a scoul. Loki then used both of his hands to attack my sides and ribs. "Nohoho!!!" I squealed in laughter. Jerking my body from side to side. "It seems that this so called 'Ranger' is really ticklish." Loki teased. Just then Agent Coulson busted into the room to rescue me from Loki. Coulson blasted Loki away from me with the Destroyer prototype. He then ran to me and released me from my restraints. "Get out of here Lia(Coulson's nickname for me) hurry!" Coulson demanded. I didn't need to be told twice, I ran from there like a bat out of hell. I ran to the meeting room where Directer Fury was waiting with a concerned look. "You okay Agent?" Fury asked. "I was just tortured by Loki and ran like a bat from hell, I can last a little longer but not for too longer." I exclaimed breathless. "Ok, you should stay here and help Hill clear the room of intruders." Fury said calmly while placing his hand on my sholder. I just nodded in return. "Agent Barton is knocked out I am placing him in one of the med rooms." I heard Natasha say throught the commlink. After a few minutes Hill and I rid the meeting room of intruders. Then the comm buzzed, "Agent Coulson is down." Fury announced. "No!" I gasped, Coulson was like my big brother figure and I his little sister. I fell to my knees in grief and sorrow. Then I heard the door open but I didn't look up to see who entered the room. "Hey, Tali you should get some rest you look like you need it." Natty softly said to me. I just shook my head in responce. She then noticed the tears streaming down my face. "Oh Natalia, it wasn't your fault you know." Natasha whispered to me. "I'm going to kill Loki if is the last thing I do." I said my voice cracking the whole time. "Come on sis, lets go to the med room Clint is in. You can rest there while I keep an eye on you both." Natasha said while picking me off the floor and leading me to the room Clint is resting in. I am too crushed to even nod in respond. As soon as we got there Natasha and I sat down in the chairs. She then pulled me down to the point where I was laying down. She then started to rub small circles on my back coaxing me into sleep. I tried to fight it but the more I fought the more effort Natasha put in it. As of right now she is rubbing my back and playing with my hair to get me to fall asleep like when we were kids. I then fell asleep in that very position. "Rest well little sister." She cooed before sleep fully took over.

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