Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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I wake up at 6:30 AM and internally groan. I slap my alarm clock off the counter next to my bed and got up slowly. Then I began to massage my temples. I had the same weird dream as last time. A gorgeous tall lady with my blonde hair and blue/gray eyes was talking to me with a bow cradled in her arms. She was warning me that trouble was coming. I had no idea why I was having this dream.

I hopped into the shower. As I showered I thought about how school would turn out. Hopefully well. My last schools didn't go so well. I got kicked out because I accidentally started a fire. Don't even ask how. I hopped out of the shower and dried off. I took about 5 minutes picking out my outfit. I put on some clothes. A teal, white, and pink floral top. Some dark wash ripped shorts. My white vans. Lastly my trusty arrow ring. I got this random ring as a gift from someone anonymously through the mail. I guessed it might be a secret admirer or something, but who? I didn't really care though, I loved it. I left my straight hair the way it was and brushed through endless snarls and put on my daisy choker. I only put on small mascara, and some light red lip gloss on.

"Time to go Keely!" My dad yelled to me, from downstairs.

"Okay dad coming!" I said grabbing my phone and my bag. As I reached the downstairs floor my dad handed me a blueberry bagel and I hopped into the car. I chewed my bagel silently and watched the deep forests, lakes, and streams pass. California was actually very pretty. In no time we were at school. I looked out nervously and got out of the car my dad smiling at me.

"Have a nice first day!" My dad said waving at me. I nodded and bravely walked into school. I was somewhat excited to learn, but also nervous, from being 'the new girl', once again. Then I knocked into someone. I caught them off guard so I accidentally tackled them. I apologized profusely and started to get a better look at them. The girl looked pretty similar to me. She had blonde curly hair pulled up into a ponytail and grey eyes that seemed to calculate my every move.

"You're fine." She said, probably tired of me apologizing to her.

"Sorry again, here let me help you," I say reaching down to pick up our two stacks of books and other supplies on the ground. That's when I saw it. What fell out of her pocket onto the ground. A dagger!

"OH MY GOD! SHE HAS A DAGGER!" I screamed. The girl looked at me surprisingly. I tried to back away as far as possible and was about to say something louder so someone would take he dagger away! Someone walking by sarcastically said.

" My eyes could be deceiving me, but I believe that is a ruler." What? No that's a dagger. I looked at the girl and was about to say something, but was cut off by a pair of rough hands hauling me into the janitors closet.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked with the most confident voice I could muster while trying my best to step as far away from her as possible and almost opening the door to the closet. I almost opened it and lead myself out, and to sweet, sweet freedom, but something about this mysterious girl kept me in the old janitor's closet. I wanted to see what she had to say.

"What? No! You can see my dagger?" She asked me.

"Yes!" I yelled still cautious of her, even if she said she wasn't going to hurt me.

" Only demigods or mortals who can see through mist see our weapons." She said quietly, pondering out aloud. "I wonder if she is our mission."

"Hold up. " I say extremely confused. Then suddenly the door blasted open to reveal three people. One of them was a handsome boy who had dark, raven black hair and contrasting bright sea green eyes. The girls face lit up at his face and she kissed his cheek. Obviously a couple. Beside him stood a redhead with dark blue eyes. She had a tool belt around her waist and a mischievous smile on her face. I couldn't help but notice her All-Time Low shirt on.

"Ummmmm I love you shirt!" I say fangirling internally.

"OHMIGOD ALL TIME LOW IS LIIIFFEEEEE!" She replied yelling. The blonde chick, whose name I still don't know shushed her. Then I noticed the last girl. The was African American with black hair and was a bit short. She also had a rainbow tattooed on her right arm.

"Percy I think this is our mission." The blonde girl told the black-haired teenager.

"Oh, how rude of us! We forgot to introduce ourselves!" The rainbow tattoo chick said. "I am Sophia! This is Abree, " she said pointing to the red-haired girl. "This is Annabeth." She said pointing at the blonde girl. "And this is Percy!" She said pointing at the very last boy.

"Since you all introduced yourselves to me, I take it you're not going to kill me?" I said speaking out loud. The tiny space erupted in laughter making me jump a bit.

"Oh, believe me, kid, if we wanted to kill you, you would be dead by now," Percy replied, not relieving any of my nerves.

"Umm, okay. I'm Keely." I said rather suspicious.

"That's her! She's the demigod!" Annabeth said loud whispering in Percy's ear.

"OK, what's a demigod?" I asked no one in particular. They all chuckle and look at each other as if it's an inside joke. Their laughter is interrupted by a large boom coming from outside.

"Looks like we have company. Let's get going!" Percy said taking my hand and leading me outside. Oh jeez, now what's going on? I really hope I don't die today. That would totally be a bummer.

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