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Dear victim,

This is my last letter to you. After I am finished, I am going to bury all my letters next to your grave. I ruined your life. I prevented you from growing up. You could have gotten married, had children, and continued to live a long happy life.

Because of me you won't be able to. Your dead. It's all my fault. You killed yourself because of me. I feel like a murderer. Maybe I am. I feel sick as I write this. For a whole month, I have locked myself up in my room.

My parents didn't bother me. They are still angry with me. They hardly look at me. But I do not care. I only care about you and the way I broke you. Why have I don't those horrible things to you? I truly am a sick person. And I truly am sorry. Even the word sorry won't describe how bad I feel.

Well since this is my last letter to you, I have to say goodbye. So goodbye, victim. I hope you are in a better place. Once again, goodbye.

Sincerely, The Bully.

Dear Victim   [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now