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7th January 2007

Dear Diary

Jack hasnt talked to me all day today and he didnt even kiss me. I wanted to mess around with my xmas toys with him but he said that he was "busy" like i believe that. Pfffff I am so sick of him and i dont think he even likes me anymore. I wish my life was just different

12th January 2007

Dear Diary

Today was auful. I felt like it wasnt going well between me and jack so i decided to dump him but i was totally wrong. He is still madly in love with me and when i told him the news he did not react very well. He has been sending me horrible texts and when i got home today there was "EVIL" spray painted accross my door. I wish i could make him happy but i cant because i dont love him anymore but he wont accept that. He also threw chairs all around the classroom today and called me a player. I feel like he is going to do something terribly wrong. Ezgi, Phoebe and Tasha say i should just move on and forget about him but i cant he is in my mind every second of the day and i am so scared

13th January 2007

Dear Diary

OMG Jacob hugged me today. It was so nice. His short blonde hair blew in the breeze and his dazling blue eyes shone out into my eyes and he was glaring at me. His large pointy noise started to look cuter whilst i went closer to her. His ruby red lips made his dazling white teeth look more beutiful. As i hugged him his six pack rubbed against my chest and i felt alive and lovely. It would be great if he asked me out, I am so over Jack but he still loves me. I dont know if i should flirt with him or what <3 xxxx

15th January 2007

Dear Diary

Today was great. I got a A* in my Maths test also Jacob asked me out. He is so cute and i really love him but i dont know if i should wait because Jack still loves me. He has a great 6 pack and he is a really lovely and i love his short blonde hair. Emily says that i should say yes because he is a really nice person and has a great 6 pack but i am still not sure because Jack is still not happy with me. I stil get death threats from him and he isnt happy with me but it is starting to calm down or i hope so anyways

21st January 2007

Dear Diary

So today i said yes to Jacob and he kissed me straight away and i was so happy. He is so cute and he has such a nice personality. His short blonde hair blows in the breeze and his eyes are look blue lovely pools. I just cant stop thinking of him Jack is still not happy because i have now got a boyfreind. I think he should just forget about me and get a girlfreind of his own i am so sick but i am madly in love with jacob. We have already arranged to go to town next week but i feel like Jack is going to sabotage it, Love you Jacob <3

25th January 2007

Dear Diary

Today was a disaster. OMG i went to town with Jacob and Jack completely embarresed me. First off all we went to the cinema and he followed us. We went to see Arthur Christmas (that is a great film if he wasnt there) he sat behind us all the way through the film! Every time i went to kiss Jacob he would kick the back of my seat and chuck popcorn at us.  We then left and went shopping and he left us for abit but we didnt know that the worse was about to happen at around 3.50pm he was on the intercom saying that i was a player and a slut. I feel really heartbroken and angry! Just to know that i used to love that evil man sickens me in the stomach. I feel like killing him and just to think that i have to check now everytime i am out with Jacob annoys me so much

30th January 2007

Dear Diary

Today i went shopping with my best freind Hannah. I love her so much <3 She is so nice and such a great person. She says that Jack is a waste of space and i agree with her but some part of me feels sorry for him and that i love him lots. Anyways we were going round and then he started following us but i am lucky i was with Hannah. He started to chuck jellies off us. Eventually Hannah turned around and confronted him. To my dis belief she won and he started to walk away. As they say keep your freinds close and thats what they are there for

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2011 ⏰

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