Chapter 11

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Today is Friday. It's a good day.

Killian's POV

Absolutely nothing could describe the anger I felt after Emma told me what happened to her. My clothes were somewhat fancy, and I knew exactly where I could take her for dinner. She expected a fancy dinner, and I was going to give it to her.

Now, I know what you're thinking. I am not trying to win Emma over. I just wanted to give her what she deserves. She deserves a man who will love her and cherish her and treat her as if she is his queen. She deserves me. 'Okay, maybe I am trying to win her over.'

I drove her to my favorite restaurant. It was called The Enchanted Forest. But don't let the name fool you. It is a five star restaurant, and it was incredibly hard to get in. Unless you could afford to eat there, you could. Me and the owner were close. We had been friends since high school, and because of that, I got to eat for free, plus any guest that I brought with me.

"Is this place even open?" Emma asked as we pulled into the parking lot.

I looked at the clock. "It's only 10:00. They close at midnight." I got out and helped her out of the car. "M'lady." I held out my arm for her and she blushed and threaded hers with mine. We walked in and immediately got a table. My friend and the owner, Robin, had already gone home for the night, but I knew that the staff would let him know I had been in.

"It's so fancy," Emma said as she looked around. "How are you affording this?"

"I know the owner. We are friends. Get whatever you'd like. It's on him."

She giggled and looked over the menu. I ordered the fanciest wine they had, but decided to wait to order until Emma knew what she wanted. I was going to get crab legs. This restaurant makes the best seafood. Emma had settled for something chicken or chicken something. I wasn't really paying attention. I was too busy focusing on her. After the waitress had left, I nudged Emma's foot with mine and she smiled, letting out a faint chuckle. I nudged her again and she finally looked up at me. "You're a dork."

"And you love it."

"You are so sweet too. Taking me out for dinner after my crappy night and exhausting day. How are you still single?"

"Just waiting for the right lass, I suppose." I wanted her to catch onto the fact that I was flirting with her because I liked her. I liked her a lot in fact.

"Thank you."

I leaned back in my seat. "You don't need to thank me." I nodded to the wine that was still untouched. "Drink."

"I don't think that would be too smart."

"Why, love? Afraid you'll find me irresistible after a few libations?" I smirked, raising an eyebrow and she laughed.

"No, I just want to stay sober tonight because I want to remember this date tomorrow." My heart stopped. Had she just called this a date? Cause, if she wants it to be a date, it can be. I decided not to called her out on it, and make the situation awkward. Our food arrived and we dug in. Emma had eventually drank her wine, but she didn't refill her glass. I hadn't refilled mine either. I wasn't about to be pulled over for being drunk while behind the wheel. After we ate, we went back out to my car and drove home. "Tonight was amazing, Killian. Thank you," Emma said as soon as we were on the road.

I shrugged. "Just think of it as a friendly dinner date, I guess."

"You know how you said you were a bad boy when I asked you what kind of guy you were?"

"Aye, I remember quite clearly."

"You lied."

I glanced over at her, but couldn't hold my gaze for long. "What do you mean?"

"You are a good boy. I think you just underestimate yourself because of all the one night stands, but you are a true gentleman."

I smiled. "I guess you're right."

"I know I am."

We drove in a comfortable silence until we got home. I let Emma inside first, and we both changed into our pajamas. When I got out of my bedroom, Emma was snuggled up on the couch, flipping through the television channels.

"Do you think I could join you, love?"

"Yeah." She moved into a sitting position and I sat down beside her. I laid against the armrest and pulled her in between my legs, and she laid on my chest. She curled up on top of me and put on The Avengers. "You don't mind this, do you?"

"Nope. This is one of my favorite movies."

"Mine too."

When the ultimate battle came on between the Avengers and Loki, Emma burst into laughter when the Hulk punched Thor, and Thor flew across the room. As it switched to a commercial, Emma got up and grabbed two glasses and filled them with water. She was coming back into the living room when I heard a thud and the sound of glass breaking. I got up and Emma was laying on the floor, glass surrounding her.

"Shit, Swan. Don't move," I told her as I stepped over the glass and grabbed my shoes and a broom.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious."

I moved the glass away from her body and feet, but there was still glass on the floor. "Grab my hands, and I'll pull you up, but I don't want you getting cut, so try not to touch the floor."

She nodded and I pulled her up. Emma held onto me and I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the couch. "I'm so sorry."

"Love, it was just two glasses. I can buy more."

I felt her eyes on me as I cleaned up all the glass and water. "I'm such an idiot."

"Hey, it's okay," I laughed and dumped the glass into the garbage. "It happens." I got us more water and handed her hers. She took it carefully and took a sip, then put it down on the coffee table.

I laid back down with her, just as before. We watched the rest of the movie, but she fell asleep on my chest. I shut off the tv and took her to her room, laying her down and tucking her in once again. She was so peaceful as she slept. So calm. I pressed my lips ever so lightly on hers and left the room.

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