History of the 'Prince'

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The letter was predictable.

Angelica made her distaste for Alice public, but there were still some who refused to come out and admit the animosity they harbour towards Alice. They all thought that they’d be ruined if she considered them her enemy, making their lives, as well as their families, miserable. Angelica could get away with it; she wasn’t linked to the heiress of the Kay line in anyway. She was from ‘old’ money, her ancestry dating back to a lesser noble during Queen Victoria’s time; and even if she was related to a lesser noble, a noble is a noble and the prestige that came with the title was still great. However, Alice didn’t understand why people would assume she’d enjoy ruining the lives of others.

She had better things to use her time on than waste it on people who didn’t matter.

But it’s not like receiving the letters weren’t hurtful. Alice was strong, but she wasn’t made of steel.

“What’s that?”

Alice jumped, startled out of her thoughts. She scrunched up the piece of paper and stuffed it into the pocket of her blazer, out of sight and out of (not really) mind. She hoped her movements were inconspicuous enough that Aaron didn’t notice, but when her eyes narrowed, Alice knew there was no such luck.

“Nothing to be worried about,” she whispered back carelessly. “Just another love letter.” At that, Aaron smirked.

Good, she bought it.

“Oh really? Well, considering this is an all-girl’s school, I find girls who are interested in their own sex not all that surprising but…”

“But what?”

“Why they’d be in to you is a mystery left unsolved.”

“Hey! I’m-”

“MISS KAY! IS THERE ANYTHING YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE?” Alice visibly shrunk back as the voice of the teacher echoed throughout the room, resulting in the whole class turning to stare at her. Blood rushed up to her face, embarrassed at being reprimanded in front of everyone. It’s not like she didn’t get into trouble, but when she did, it wasn’t embarrassing.

“N-no Mrs. Weathersby,” she replied meekly.

There were two people in her entire life that could make her turn into a coward in the blink of an eye: her mother and Mrs. Weathersby. The older woman was a living example of: don’t judge a book by its cover. She seemed like a fragile woman in her 50’s, graying blond hair always pulled into a loose ponytail, kind eyes with laugh lines around them, and a comfortable fashion sense. She was that favourite aunt that would always bring cookies whenever they’d visit, earning love and respect from everyone around them.

Well Mrs. Weathersby certainly earned respect, love was a different matter. Despite her soft exterior, she was ruthless and harsh, strict to the T. She commanded the respect from every one of her students, even Alice. And since she was her teacher homeroom and biology and calculus teacher for her final year, Alice had no choice but to be on her best behaviour in class.

“Is that so? Well then, I assume you know the answer to what the hypothesis concerning a substrate’s ability to fit to an enzyme is, right? Since you clearly know enough to chatter in my class.”

Alice was at a loss. She wasn’t stupid, but talking to Aaron had made her miss the last 30 seconds of class, a big deal if you had Mrs. Weathersby.

The entire class was staring at her and she could see Angelica with a smirk playing on her lips from one end of the class. From the other end, Yara looked at her with a worried expression. There was no way she could help, especially since she sat right in front of the teacher.

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