Chapter Two

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You looked at Karamatsu's face. You had managed to re-open a cut on his face, somehow, and he didn't even seem to notice.

Well, he probably did notice, but he didn't want you to feel guilty, so he hid it, and acted as if he hadn't been oozing out blood for a few minutes straight.

The blood quickly stained the blue hoodie that he had on, along with his pants. Yes, there was that much. Jeez, what happened to him?

You mean, what happened to him before he got knocked down by you? Where did all of his bandages come from, and what was their purpose?

"Karamatsu." You spoke to him, causing him to turn his head at you. "Yes, my dove?" You rolled your eyes.

"You know that you've been bleeding for about.." You looked at your watch for dramatic effect. "Five minutes, now, right?"

He looked at you, then to his now, bloody clothes. "Oh, I was bleeding? I hardly even noticed! I've been hypnotized by your lovely face that I forgot all about myself!" He cracked out a chuckle.

"Karamatsu, I have a first-aid-kit somewhere in my room. I'll fix your bandages for you if you'd like." You smiled at him.

"That.. would be nice, thank you my dear, [Y/N]."

Okay, good. He wasn't resisting for once, that was a good thing.

You left the room shortly, only to come back with the said first-aid-kit in your hands. You sat down next to him, until you noticed that his entire hoodie was now stained red.

How did this guy not pass out? Look at how much blood he's lost!

You put a finger up to your chin and tapped it, trying to think of what to do.

"Karamatsu, would you like to take a bath? I have some extra clothes if you'd like." You offered to which he accepted, a nod telling you so.

This is gonna go so well. You rolled your eyes.

You made your way over to the bathroom, turning the bathtub's faucets on and letting the warm water pool inside.

You set a clean towel and washcloth on the toilet seat and left to get him some clean clothes that you've promised.

Luckily, your brother used to live with you, and he had left a bunch of his old clothes here. You pulled out a simple blue polo and some pants. You set them on the side of your bed and smiled. "All ready!"

You skipped back into the living room, where Karamatsu was still at. "Hey, Kara, you can still take... baths by yourself, right?" You asked him.

"Uh... but of course I can!" He spoke, smiling. "Even with broken arm, I am still capable of cleaning myself."

"Well, okay. If you say so." You pointed at the bathroom. "Your bath is ready for you, I've also put clean clothes out for you. You can find them laying on the side of my bed."

He nodded and took a hold of his crutches, going into the bathroom.

Two seconds within him closing the door, you heard a huge crash and thump from inside. You ran into the bathroom, extremely worried to a high extent.

He was lying on the ground, luckily still fully-clothed, and had somehow managed to land on his broken arm. Ouch.

You ran to his side, helping him stand up. "Listen, Karamatsu. You are clearly incapable of doing this by yourself. It's okay to ask for help!"

He fixed his sunglasses and simply shook his head. You took his sunglasses off if his face. "You don't need to be wearing these while you're in the house. These sunglasses are probably the reason why you fell!" You tucked them into your pocket.

He was obviously annoyed by that, but he smiled anyways. "Thank you for your concern, but I can see perfectly fine with my sunglasses on indoors."

Psh, yeah. That's why he totally just didn't fall a few moments ago.

"I don't want you getting even more injured than you already are, so no." You said. "You can have them back once you've properly healed."

Karamatsu huffed, but nodded anyways. "Heh. You're lucky that your beauty is that of a sunset. I shall listen to your lively instructions from now on, my rainbow."

Thank god.

"Hey, Karamatsu.. you should get undressed. The tub's gonna overflow." You suggested. "I won't look, I promise" You said as you turned your head over by the door.

"Uh.." he said lowly. You turned your head back again and gave him a confused look. "Yeah?" You said to him.

He was obviously embarrassed of what he was about to say. "I-I.. can't necessarily take my arm out of my sleeve.., or take anything off in that manner."

"Oh." You spoke. "Sure... I guess that I could help you." You smiled and made your way over to him.

You started by lifting his hoodie off of him, along with his undershirt, tossing them into the laundry bin by the door.

He had a blush on his face that quickly spread to his ears. Aww, he looked pretty cute like this. You had to admit.

Your hands reached for the waistband of his pants, and you pulled those down as well, putting them in the same laundry basket as before.

Looking away, you pulled his white boxers down, discarding the article of clothing in the basket as well.

Still looking away, you helped him get into the tub. You dumped a bottle of bubblebath into the water, and turned back.

"Okay, now that that's done with.." Your attention turned to the cast on his hand. "You shouldn't get that wet." You pointed at it.

You took a little shopping bag out from under the sink's cabinet, tying it onto his arm. "How do you know all of these things?" He asked you.

"Eh, I broke my arm too, when I was younger."

You knelt near the tub and removed his bandages. You then squirted some shampoo into his hair, trying your best to avoid touching any bruises or bumps as you gently scrubbed his scalp. He hummed in response, obviously enjoying the sensation.

You rinsed the soap out of his hair and giggled a bit after noticing that his bangs stuck to his face like glue. Speaking of hair, his was rather soft, silky even. You liked touching it.

After you finished washing his hair, you left the room so that he could finish up with cleaning himself. You were sure that he could do that by himself.

You tapped your [F/C]-painted fingernails on the recliner's arm as you waited for him to finish.

A few minutes later, Karamatsu managed to get out of the bathroom easily and was wearing the clothes you had picked out for him. They were a perfect fit.

You smiled at him, picking up the first-aid-kit and sitting on the ground with him. You took a bandage and wrapped it around his head, like his previous one. You also stuck a cottonball and placed it on his face, later putting a bandaid on top of it as well.

"There you go.. and... done!" You smiled at your handiwork. Karamatsu mistook it for you smiling at him and shot you a wink.

You face-palmed. Although, a part of you liked it when he flirted with you. A tiny part. Like a salt grain. Yeah, that was about it.

The two of you sat in silence. "Hey, are you hungry?" You asked him.

"Hmm, yeah. I'm hungry alright. Hungry for you!" He answered you.

You deadpanned. "I'm just going to order a pizza."

"That works too, my rose."

He's Kinda Cool. (Karamatsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now