It was a cool night, i saw the full moon and heard the howling wind. I always had a suspicious feeling about my closet in my room. Every mourning I always ask my dad what's in my closet because when I go to sleep I hear my closet door open and hear heavy breathing. "I don't know maybe it might be you doing the heavy breathing." That's what my dad told me every mourning. So back to me,I'm just laying in my bed until then again I hear my closet door open and the heavy breathing, I then pretend that I'm asleep until the heavy breathing stop and my closet door close. After that I got out of my bed then I open closet. All of a sudden, in shock, I see my dad,dead,and with the skin of his face skinned of it. I scream as loud as I can,but then an arm touched my shoulder,and a voice said,"Your dad's face was perfect,but your face is perfect.