originally written july 3, 2013

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I lost my closest friends. I almost lost my condo, I almost lost my job, I almost lost my family. Most of all I lost myself. But somehow through it all there must have been a guardian angel watching over me and I can't help but think it was you Nana. I know it was you. Because if I didn't have a guardian angel like your sweet soul looking out for me I wouldn't be able to say the following words: I found a way out. Through it all - the lies, the manipulation, and all the pain - I found my way back to everything. To my family, to my dreams, to myself. And I found out that I am still the luckiest girl in the world. To have the family that I have. And to still have friends who have surprised me so immensely with their compassion, their kindness, and their love. You all know who you are. I was the luckiest girl in the world 2 years ago and I took it all for granted. And now if its even possible I'm even luckier now than I was before. To have what I have. To be loved this much by the people in my life. To be unconditionally supported by these people - I am eternally grateful. The only difference now on the exit side of the past two years - this time none of it, and none of you will be taken for granted. EVER. Thank you to everyone who each put a bit of their own strength into me, and with each bit of strength given to me by each individual who supported me you all contributed to building me into a super fighter. With super strength. And I'll keep fighting for the rest of my life. I will never take my luck for granted again. To the one who tried to destroy my luck I say this: People like you may come into my life again one day. And people like you may try to hold me down. But people like you will never be able to KEEP me down. I'll just keep getting back up and fighting harder and harder each time. Right now I feel like I have the strength of Superman. And you were my kryptonite for a long time. But my strength prevailed. So again thank u to the people who didn't give up on me. I am truly the luckiest girl in the world and you all will be forever appreciated and your gestures of love and friendship during this time will NEVER be forgotten. Life is short. Live it how YOU see fit. Don't let anyone ever dictate to you how you should live. We never know when our last moment on this earth is. Make every moment count as if it were your last. I vow to myself and to all of you I will live the rest of my life from this day forward on MY terms. No one is going to stand in my way. Thank u again to everyone. For everything.

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