Princeton's P.O.V
T: that would be nice -smirks- -kisses-
T: -phone statrs ringing- UGGGGGGG!
J: well answer it!
T -answers- hello?
tyla smiled and mouthed 'its mom' she was talkng for forever so i sat down on the couch when she was done she went to put her shoes on
J:uh, were are you going?
T: to get my little sis. DUH!
J: snappy much? can i come?
T: no. imma suprise you! BUH BYE!
when tyla left turned on the tv all the other channels were boring so watched tmz.they ut on something about mindless behaivor being see at walmart. dont they have better things to do? i got soooo bored i fell asleep.
Tyla'a P.O.V
when i got to my house i dont know what got into me but i ran to the house and banged on the door. i waited 1 minute and my aunt (hanna) opened the door
H: hey tyla!
T: hi auntie hannah! is my little sister here?
T: yup! -looks back- ALEJANDRA! [AL-AYE-HA-NJRA] VENIR AQUI!
A: COMING! -comes to door- sees tyla- HIIII!
T: - puts hands over mouth- oh my gosh.... you look just like... papi!
A: i knowwww. Hanna tol me a tousan times!
T: -holds arms out- come to sissy!
A: -runs and hugs her-
T: can i take her to my boyfriend's place for the night?
H: you have a boyfriend?! awwww my neice is growing up sooo fast.
T: uuuh. thanks?
H: but ya you can take her -hands her a small bag- all her stuff she needs
T: does she have a car seat?
H: ya!
T: lemme go put her bag in my car.
i jogged to my car and put Alejandra's bag in the trunk. then i went back and put her car seat in the back.
H: well, see ya later tyty -smiles-
T: bye -sticks hand out to Alejandra- come on you!
A: -holds tyla's hand- bye auntiiie!
H: bye hun
i put Alejandra in the back and buckled her up. then i hopped in the front and drove to princeton's when we got there i get Alejandra out the back and got her bag i slowly but quietly opened the door and saw princeton on the couch sleeping. i quietly told alejandra to go sit in front of Princeton on the floor. then i went upstairs and put alejandra's bag on the bed.
Princeton's P.O.V
J:tyla wait -grabs arm-
T:'d rather get hit by a car. -pulls away-
???:hey!hey!hey!wake up you hijo de puta!
as i woke up saw a little girl with light skin green eyes and big fluffy thick brown hair in front of me. this must be the little sister. is this the one that called me a bitch?
J: lttle grl wat did you just say?
A: no hi? youw are a weal culo(<spanish for 'ass')
J: hi! and you are one baddie -gets up and stretches-
A: wats ur name?
J: oh please you already know.
A: no i dont.
J: im princeton from mindless behaivior.
A: oh. hi pwinceton. im alejadwa!
T: im baaaaack!
A: sissy is this your boyfwiend? he is weird.
T: well are you tired cuz its 2:47 in da mornin
A:-yawns- yaaa
~ as tyla picked up 'Alejandra' i followed them upstairs i changed into mypajamas and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. then i saw alejandra with her cute green/pink 1zee and she had her tiny barbie tooth brush she put her tooth brush up to me. i put a liilte bit of tooth past on her brush and she brushed away while humming 'what makes you beautiful' by 1d. she like 1 direction but she doesnt know MB?! she's crazy!
Cute huh? in chapter 13 expect the unexpected something wild gon happen......