Chapter 1 (Y/N)

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So let's start from the beginning.

I was gazing out of Avenger tower as usually. I stood up, pressing my hands against the cold glass window. This is the only time, I'll ever feel free. I miss the wind blowing through my hair as a child, smelling flowers. Holding back tears, that I do everyday of my life stuck here. All of the Avengers know I want to be free, except for Tony. He thinks everything is fine and if something is not broken should be fixed. I tilted my head against the window. Taking in deep breaths.

"Help me, someone save me" I whispered, closing my eyes. I've been here for 3 years.

A breeze of wind passed by me. Not caring it was QuickSilver, that's his superhero name, His real name is Pietro. He is always like this. But something wasn't right. The air in the room changed, it seemed more fresh and clean. A summer breeze blew my hair in my face.

I opened my eyes to find myself in the middle of a field. Trees surrounded all sides. This all had to be a dream. It had too. I pinched myself to make sure. Nope I'm not dreaming this is real. Pietro was behind me the whole time, smiling. (I didn't realize that until later, you'll see.) Sunflowers stretched up to touch the sky. There was a small dip in the field, like a hill, me being my five year old self decided to roll down the hill. Laughing, it's been awhile since I've done that.

I looked around, and back to the top of the hill, I swore I saw Pietro. As I turned back around. I nearly jizzed in my pants. Pietro was behind me.

"Hi" he said in his thick russian accent, grabbing my arm, after seeing me jump.

I pushed his hand away from me.

"What the hell Pietro?" I hollered "You nearly scared the s#it out of me!"

"Sorry" he apologized smiling.

I looked around the meadow once more than back to Pietro.

"You did all of this?" I asked.

"Mother nature did" Pietro said

" I know that! I meant you took me here?" I asked looking around.

"Yes" he said grabbing my hand.

Oh no! Please no! He likes me, like, like likes me! I feel really happy that he took me out into the real world and all of this, but...Oh I don't know, Seriously (Y/N)? When was the last you had a boyfriend or a guy that really cared about your happiness that wasn't your dad. Oh yeah...NEVER. Just play it cool.

"Follow me" he sped off using his super power.

"Yep totally will, you little bastard" I mumbled sarcastically, starting to walk where the breeze from him left.

"Well hello there? You must be (Y/N)?" said a male voice. I jumped, turning around. A tall man with short black hair gelled back.

"Who are you?" I asked stepping away.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm Ned Fullsom" sticking his hand out.

"Pietro!" I shouted, keeping my eyes on Ned Fullsom or whoever he is.

A gust of wind came, Pietro stood in front of me.

"What do you want?" he sneered in his thick russian accent.

"Oh so no Hi or How you doing just What do you want? That's a nice way to start a conversion" Ned Fullsom seemed to get more angry as he spoke at every word he said.

"What do you want?" sneered Pietro again tilting his head slightly.

Ned Fullsom made a deep chuckle. A cringe worthy one.

With a flick of his wrist, wires of electricity came out of his jacket, coming our way. Pietro

grabbed me and sped off.

"Where are you going?" Ned Fullsom said, moving forward. Ned Fullsom is not fast like Pietro but he has piles of wires that connect his feet to the ground, Making him like 10 feet tall. Which let me tell you, If you saw what I saw, and not have a guy with superpowers as your friend then no doubt you would probably be dead by now. Ned laughing as he following our trail. I buried my chest in Pietro's chest. Ned twirling his whip, making it become more charged with electricity whipped at us but only to hit a tree, That fell in front of us. Ned seeing that he missed decided to whip all other trees down that surrounded us.

"Surrender" was the only thing that Ned Fullsom said.

Pietro putted me down, only to have a death grip on my wrist.

He looked at me than back at Ned Fullsom then spoke



And with that something heavy hit us on the back of our head.

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