Takashi Morinozuka

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Nobody's POV
Y/N was getting ready for school when she looked at the clock it was 6:30! She made a price of toast and ran as fast as she could to school. Once she was in the courtyard she had bumped into someone. She looked up to see a tall rather handsome figure with shiny black hair. And standing  next to him was a blond  short boy. He was holding a pink bunny. "I-I-I'm so sorry!" You say with a small blush on your face. "It's fine uhhhh..." "It's Y/N" "Y/N" he says. "And yours?" " uh it's Takashi Morinozuka but you can just call me Mori" he says. Mori helped you up and introduced you to honey. Finally after about 5 minutes talking you finally said your goodbyes and was walking to the doors. "Y/N" Mori says. "Yea" you say. " you should stop by the host club. It's in music room 3." "Sure I'll
stop by!" You say. "All right, bye!" Mori says.

Hey sorry if this is bad and if I misspelled anything. This is my first book so I'm not really good. Alright hope you stick around for more. Night night~❤️

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