Letter #1

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Dear Lauren,

It's been 5 years since you left. You left without saying a proper goodbye. All you did was write me a note. A cheap note, to be exact. I haven't heard from you since. You left me heartbroken and in pain. All these years I thought you would come back and tell me it was all a joke, but boy was I wrong. I have hope that one day, after receiving all these letters from me, you will come back into my arms, forever.

Yours truly, Ally

A/N: So, this new book I'm writing is basically where Ally writes a lot of letters to Lauren telling her to come back and all that stuff. I'm really excited for this book because I might mess with all your emotions and maybe confuse you a bit, (I'm really sorry) but I guarantee you that I'll write a happy ending! In the next chapter, I'm just gonna be writing the flashback to when Lauren left poor Ally. So, hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading!

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