Face to Face

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It was 5:55 p.m and Lauren was waiting by the Mickey Mouse statue. She was wondering when Ally would show up, but then she remembered she told her to show up at 6.

It was now 5:57 and Lauren was getting anxious and nervous. Thoughts kept rushing into her head. "What if Ally blows me off? What if Ally shows up and tells me she doesn't want to be with me? What if Ally got in a car crash on the way over here?" She shook her head because she knew she was being ridiculous.

5:59 read Lauren's watch. "One more minute." Before it turned 6, Lauren fixed herself and made sure she felt confident. She took a deep breath.

6:00 read Lauren's watch. It was time for Ally to be arriving. Lauren started looking around and didn't see the girl she was dying to hug.

6:01 read Lauren's watch. She grew even more nervous. She started playing with her fingers and looked around more. No sign of Ally.

6:03 read Lauren's watch. "Maybe she's just a few minutes late." Lauren knew that if she didn't wait for Ally, bad things would happen.

6:04 read Lauren's watch. "Okay, calm down, she'll come."

Lauren started looking around again and she saw a small figure walking towards her. Her heart began beating faster. "Could that be Ally?" The small figure was walking towards Lauren and finally, Lauren was able to see the figure's face. Lauren smiled and tears started slipping down her face. "It's Ally!" Ally formed a huge smile and started running to Lauren. Lauren then started running towards Ally opening her arms so Ally could easily hug her.

Ally jumped into Lauren's arms and had her legs wrapped around Lauren's waist with her arms around Lauren's neck. Lauren had her arms around Ally's butt so she wouldn't fall. They both had their moment, until they finally let go.

They walked around talking, holding hands, laughing until it was time to go home. They hugged each other and were saying their goodbyes.

Ally's P.O.V

"This was such an amazing day, I'll never forget it."

"I hope we can visit each other often because I really don't wanna lose you again," said Lauren.

"Yeah, I feel the same way."

Lauren's P.O.V

Ally and I hugged and we went our separate ways.

I will never forget this day.

A/N: Hope you liked this chapter! One more chapter left until the end of the book!

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