~Chapter 7~

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"Mum!" Jungkook rushed forward, roughly pushing Namjoon out the way.
"Mum, what happened?" Jungkook felt tears come to his eyes, and he felt memories of what he used to have to go through. His life was good now, and his dad was gone... Forever. That, as Jungkook had slowly discovered, turned everything Jungkook knew completely around.

It wouldn't of happened if she'd been a better mother, though...
Would it?

Jungkook pushed her away, realising what he'd done, who it actually was.

He ran, ran as fast as he could, without looking back.

Somehow, he found himself back home.
He looked under the mat, finding the key he always kept there for safe measures.
Slowly, he inserted the key, and was cut short by a warm hand resting on his.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Go back, and relive these things?" Jungkook looked up, his eyes meeting Namjoons dark ones.
"Yes. I have to. Next time she might take me, she might... Do things."

Jungkook twisted the key, cautiously opening the door. It creaked from the little use it had, and whined in protest as Jungkook fully opened it.

There were still blood stains on the floor.
His blood stains.

Namjoon choked, looking away. However, Jungkook knew what he had to do.
He felt a surge of anger, hatred and maybe... Maybe sadness at what he was doing know.

It hadn't been that long, a few weeks, and everything was as his mum had left it.
Apparently she wanted her sons blood to decorate the house.
Maybe she was a sick bastard.

Jungkook went to his parents room, remembering how, when he was younger, it was a place of safety. Now it was a horror room, and Jungkook could barely bring himself to go in.

But he had to.

Pushing his nerves to the back of his head, he shoved the door open, and looked around.
It'd been years since he'd been in here, and he felt as though it was a whole new place. Somewhere he'd never been.

The sheets were stained with horrible liquids, from blood to something Jungkook didn't want to think about.

He walked over the dressing table, almost tiptoeing as if he was trespassing.

This is your own home, GROW UP!

Jungkook saw a familiar photo, from back when he was just 3 years old. Jungkook hadn't gotten his bunny teeth yet, and he was all chubby and young.
There was ice cream on his nose, and all three members of the family were smiling.

He picked up the frame, a tear rolling down his cheek.
Then, with all his might, he punched it, glass flying everywhere, cutting his hands, and face.
He then threw it across the room, hitting the wardrobe with a huge bang.

Anger boiled through his veins, and he smashed his whole body into the dresser, knocking over everything on it. Perfume bottles smashed onto the floor, the mirror hit his shoulder, shards of glass going into his neck.

"I FUCKING HATE YOU BOTH!" Jungkook screamed at nothing, and continued to ruin the room. He pulled the wardrobe down, and it landed with a loud thud.

Jungkook didn't know how long he'd been punching, hitting and kicking things, but Namjoon, after hearing the shouts and thuds, rushed in, pulling Jungkook away.

The younger boy thrashed around in Namjoons grip, flailing and shouting at nothing and everything. His fist flew upwards, and hit Namjoon square in the jaw.

Jungkook wriggled free, and spun around, ready to pounce on his attacker.
As soon as he saw who it was, all the tension left his body, and he collapsed to the floor, his head between his knees.

What am I doing? What's wrong with me? I just punched Namjoon, destroyed what I had left...

As Jungkooks thoughts consumed him, Namjoon walked over to the younger, slowly putting his arms around him.
"Kookie... Please, come home with me..."

Jungkook's shoulders shook, and he slowly got up with Namjoon's help. His eyes glistened in the dim light.
"I-I'm s-sorry h-hyung..." Namjoon just shook his head, offering a warm smile.

"Lets go."
Jungkook shook his head, leaving the room to go back to his old bedroom.
He looked around the familiar furniture, and headed towards his drawers. After rummaging around, he found all his old diaries. He shoved them in a bag, and finally, he felt relaxed.

"I don't wanna be here anymore." Jungkook felt like a small child, and he just wanted to escape, leave this hellhole, and be happy.

Unfortunately, one person just wouldn't leave him alone.

His mum was back.

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