Chapter 7 - never been so happy to wake up

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Chapter 7 - never been so happy to wake up.

"I'm sorry. okay? I'm sorry I was never good enough for you."

"keep your stupid little innocent act for your mom, before you came, everything was perfect. you had to leave. and when you came back...- you ruined this family in ways you'll never understand. I didn't want to live with you; no one did, I'm just the only one who had the guts to leave. you aren't wanted; never were, never will be."


"where'd you find her?"

I heard a strangely familiar voice ask. who was that though? who am I with? what happened? where am I? who am I? I didn't know the answer to any of those questions. okay, maybe that last question wasn't very fair, I've never known the answer to that, even when I was fully conscious.

"she was just outside the building; laying there."  another voice answered. 

the voices seemed so familiar, yet, they had no idea who I was; they just found me. wait, why was I outside? 

"do you know her name?" the person seemed to have questions as well, but at least his were getting answered.

well lets see, what can I tell about these people who are talking?

1. they're both male.

"no, not yet, hopefully she'll wake up soon to tell us it." I was almost completely ignoring them talking, I was too busy trying to figure out who they were.

2. they seem to be, I don't know, Mexican maybe? I'm bad with accents.

"what happened to her?"

3. sound familiar. 

"the warped doctors said she had some troubles breathing, maybe an asthma attack?"

4. don't know who I am.

"oh, that sucks. why was she still here anyway?"

5. had really nice voices, like, perfect voices.

"I don't know, Mike! she's not awake and I wasn't there!"

6. ones name was Mike.

"I'm sorry, you seem tired, Vic. why don't you get some sleep?"

7. the others name was vic.

"no, i'd rather wait till she wakes up."

8. did I just-

"pierce the veil?" I mumbled still half unconscious with my eyes closed.

"haha, I think she's waking up, Vic." Mike chuckled.

"seems so." Vic chuckled back.

"I think we got a band whore on our hands."

"I think so too."

well wasn't I embarrassed. I may have been a band whore, but I didn't want them to think I was another band-freak-fangirl.

well, It took me another five minutes to get fully conscious and open my eyes, I was half expecting to wake up in my room and this would all be a dream. but, no.

I woke up to see two beautiful, Mexican faces. and yes, the Mexican part was so important it needed to be added; deal with it.

A/N okay, so it wasn't long, but it's about an average length, okay? I'll write more soon. thank you so much for reading, please comment and tell me what you think. (vote if you liked it) <3 :3


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2013 ⏰

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