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This is my workout music OK that and the Butts Remix

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This is my workout music OK that and the Butts Remix

How did I forget this one? It was the first one I ever watched. Haha the first time I watched it (the first Voiceplay video I ever watched aside from the Sing-Off) I was like "wow what I bunch of dorks" but now they're my dorks

LETS GET ONE THING STRAIGHT I think Tony was behind the dance moves OK there's no denying it look how happy he is


What annoys me, is how Voiceplay is getting criticism in the comments about how PTX is so much better, but seriously? They're both different groups that took their own spin on it. I just happen to like this arrangement a bit more because it's more playful and home-styled and has more of an outgoing beat.

Again, that's only my personal preference.


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