There was a Khajiit that was in the middle of Hoth and he survived before when dath Vader killed every Jedi around. He was going out of Hoth to help destroy the Death Star. He has seen it all. The Death Star was bigger than a moon. He had a few stops. One it was tattonween. He just saw desert but he was getting revenge. He went to jabbas hut and killed all the storm troopers there. There was jabba he wanted to slay him but he couldn't be seen. There were all the storm troopers in a room. He killed them all he got his revenge for killing his wife and son and daughter. Then all of a sudden there was dath Vader and other storm troopers they held him captive in an imperial shuttle. He was trying to bust out but then he remembered he was a Jedi. He tried to get to it and tried and tried. Finally he got it and killed the storm troopers. He was free! He took the imperial shuttle and drove off. When he drove off it exploded into bits. It was destroyed.