Chapter 4

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"N-na-nani?" I stutter.

"According to the Bro Code Chapter 7, it formally says that if you have a girlfriend, it is a customary rule to take her out to any and every party, event, or social gathering as your date." He finishes, tucking his reading glasses neatly back inside their case.

To be honest, I wouldn't mind going to a party. At least I have a date. The thing is, Lisanna will be there. And I know she'll be jealous. Her famous Stare of Death is how you know you screwed up big time. After that, you're better off moving to Iowa and transferring schools.

Nodding, I throw away my scraps. We walk out of the building and the sunlight that used to be there when we arrived was long gone. The sky was a sort of blue that shows that the sun has set, but its not completely dark yet. Checking my phone, the time was 8:27 pm. We had been in the mall for two hours! It was slightly cold outside, and I start to shiver.

Then, I feel something warm around my neck.

"Here." Natsu says.

Natsu's favorite scarf was around my neck.



Natsu never let anyone touch his scarf before! Last time someone did, he went home with a broken nose. So it was a pretty big deal when he wrapped it around me, embracing me in a hug. He was unusually warm, was comforting. He drove me home, but before I reached the 5th step and twisted the doorknob, Natsu stopped me.


My breath hitches, anticipation for what was going to come next.

".....may the force be with you."

Exhaling, I shake my head. God, he's such a dork.

But he's my (fake) dork.

That night I couldn't stop thinking about him. How when he hugged me he was so warm, how his abs were finely toned....ugh, he's my fake boyfriend. Fake.

But he could be your real one.

Shut up, conscience.

He loooooves you~

Fuck you, conscience.



I turn over in my bed to face the window. I can see the bright moon acting as a huge flashlight that illuminates the darkness. My phone buzzes.

Natsu: are u awake

Lucy: no im sleeping

Natsu: oh ok


Natsu: oh

Natsu: I'm coming over

Lucy: wtf? Its like, 11 pm

Natsu: so?

Lucy: SO everyone is sleeping

Natsu: but you're awake

Lucy: whatever

Lucy: i assume u wanna bang with me at this hour, cause why not?


Natsu: u wants the d

Natsu:͡° ͜ʖ ͡°

Lucy: dammit autocorrect

Natsu: ill bring the condoms

Lucy: fck you.

Natsu: im still coming over

I turned off my phone and rolled over. I hope he doesn't come at this hour.

He loooves you~


A/N: this chappy got weirrrd. But whatevs. Just imagine Happy is the conscience.

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