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Kelly wakes up and gets dressed for school. After she showers and gets dressed, she goes downstairs and makes Pancakes. After she gets through eating she heads out the door.

Neighbor: Good morning Kelly!

Kelly: Good morning!

She gets into her car and drives off to school. When she gets to her favorite parking space she doesn't see the boys outside.

Kelly: Are they not out here because it's raining or some reason?

Kelly calls her sister Jordan asks where are the boys. Usually Kelly is the last one to get to school. Everyone else is waiting for her.

Jordan: Hello?

Kelly: Hey where are you guys?

Jordan: In our secret hideout. You know the Sista's hideout....

Kelly: Oh. okay. I'm on my way.

As I get out the car with my bag someone grabs my arm and pulls me away.

Who grabbed Kelly's Arm?

See what happens next!

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