A Piece of Me (A Niall Horan Sad Imagine)

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You sit at the kitchen table staring at the hot food getting colder with every moment that passes.

Niall was supposed to be home about an hour ago, but you still decided to make dinner just in case he showed up.

You begin to worry, thinking of terrible things that could've happened to him. Suddenly the phone rings and you jump up to get it. It was Niall's phone number.

"Niall, where have you been?" You yell.

"Ma'am I'm sorry, but I'm a nurse at St. Mary's Hospital. You need to come quickly. Niall has been in a car accident... he might not make it."

And with that the phone call was over. You grab your keys and rush out of the door quickly. Only bothering to grab two mismatched shoes as you leave. The drive was quiet. Almost too quiet. It scares you to think that every car ride could be like this. You speed the entire way there, not caring if you got in an accident. At least you'd be in the same situation as Niall if that happened. After a ten minute drive that seemed more like a thirty minute drive, you pull into the emergency parking lot and jump out quickly. You lock your car and run towards the entrance. The waiting area is fairly large and the whole place has that weird hospital smell. You walk up to the lady sitting behind the receptionist desk.

"I'm here to see Niall Horan." You say to the receptionist who's name is Courtney according to her name tag.

She begins to type and after she seems satisfied with what she has found, she looks up at you and smiles.

"Through those doors across the hall. Then, make a left at the second hallway."

You nod your head and run across the waiting room, anxious to see him. Lots of people are sitting in the chairs and on the couches. The TV's on the wall are all on different news channels. Right before you pass through the doors you see the headline "NIALL HORAN IN HOSPITAL AFTER FATAL CAR ACCIDENT". It rips you apart to see that and your eyes begin to tear up. You try to wipe them away, but they won't stop coming.

Somehow through the blurry vision that the tears are causing, you find the second hallway on your left and begin to walk down it. It looks completely deserted and you begin to think that maybe you counted wrong, but then you hear the all too familiar beeping of machines and you know that you're in the right place. You take a deep breath and walk into the room. Niall's mangled body lays in the bed and the tears that seemed to subside came rushing back again. You run over to his side and carefully pick up his hand. You are afraid you'll break him because he looks so fragile and broken. He moans and turns his head to look at you.

"I'm glad you came." He says.

"I'm just glad I came in time." You reply.

"Don't say it that way. Please stop crying, it makes it hard to know that I'm going to leave you."

"Oh Niall, you don't have to leave. Please don't." You cry, kissing his hand. You were going to miss his touch the most.

"I have to. It's my time." Niall says calmly. He squeezes your hand assuringly.

You slowly stand up and lean towards him like you had done so many times before. This time it was different though. You heart breaks because you know that this is the last time you'd kiss him, the last time he'd hold your hand, and the last time you'd get to hear his voice. You brush your lips over his, afraid that you'd hurt him if you did anything more.

"I'm not going to break." Niall says laughing.

You heart breaks even more knowing that you'd never get to hear his laugh again. The laugh that can make you happy on the saddest of days. And surprisingly, it makes you happy. At least he is okay to go on to whatever is after this life.

You kiss him, this time more aggressively than last time. He responds immediately, kissing you back. You smile and lean back.

Somewhere deep inside you know there is no way he will live. And it is a sad fact that you feel that way, but anyone who looks at him would know from his injuries that it is impossible for him to recover. And he was ready to go, ready to move on.

"I love you." He says, caressing your face with his hand. "And I will always love you."

Tears flood you eyes again, but you hold them back for Niall. "I love you too, Niall, I always have and I always will."

You smile at him and he smiles back. The beeps coming from the nearby machine start slowing down.

"I already miss you." Niall says.

"I already miss you too." Your voice cracks as you say it and you try to hold back the tears that can't seem to stay away.

You both stare into each other's eyes for what seems like an eternity. And gradually the beeps get slower and slower. He becomes calmer and looks more relaxed.

"I. Love. You." He manages to say before the beeps completely stop.

A loud continuous noise lets you know that he's gone, but you already knew that. His hand is now limp in yours and his hypnotizing blue eyes are closed. You don't think you can ever accept that he's gone, and that's probably true. He was your everything. And now everything is gone. There is an emptiness inside you, a piece of you gone. You lay down next to him and lean your head on his chest. You so badly want to hear his heartbeat again, the rhythmic beating that helped you get to sleep some nights and the comfort that its continuous noise brought you. It was all gone. All of it.


This is my first imagine. I hope you like it!


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