Chapter 4: Two Paintings

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Chapter 4: Two Painting

[Jenny's POV]

I just LOVE museums! I like looking at all that stuff from thousands of years ago and imagining the people who made them. It's wonderful, as a result I was rather sad when we had to leave. But seeing more of Paris was worth it.

After getting off the bus and walking around for some time we came to the restaurant where we were having lunch. The waiters already had the food laid out for us.

OMG I don't know how they do it! French food is amazebeans! Maybe it's their accents, after all accents make everything better.

When lunch was finished we had some free time to go around the square and do some shopping.

"Listen up every one!" Ms.Gordon yelled at us outside the restaurant.

"Everyone needs to be in their groups for this." There was a collective groan from all the students.

"Don't give me that" she pressed on bravely

Ms.Gordon continued to give directions but I had stopped listening. Shopping with Kyle and Christina was NOT going to be fun. They were always going at each others throats.

I mean does Christina really have to hate him so much? All that stuff happened in 8th grade. I think she should forgive and forget. She gets mad at me and changes the subject when I bring it up.

All of our shopping time was spent either Christina bickering with Kyle or one of them dragging Avery and I form store to store. We tried to stay out of their way.

Finally I saw a shop that caught my eye. It was full of small hand painted water colors.

"Hey you guys let's go in there." They agreed and we went inside.

"Nice eye Jenny these painting are really pretty!" Avery said making me blush.

"Thanks" I mumbled shyly. He just smiled at me. Making me blusher harder.

I had 5€ left ($7.50) in spending money for that day and wished I had more.

After looking around the shop I found two paintings that I really wanted. Sadly I didn't have enough money for both so I only bought one.

The other one was tearing at my soul. I could HEAR it calling to me. "Jenny, Jenny."

Wait paintings don't talk. I shook my head and realized it was Christina calling me. Telling me to come on, everyone else was outside and ready to go.

With one last regretful look at the painting I turned to go.

"Wait everyone I want to buy one more painting"! Kyle said rather suddenly.

I watched him curious, as he pick up the very painting I had been looking at. He walked to the casher purchased the painting! Out of all the paintings in the store that's the one he picked. Christina was right about Kyle, he is a jerk!

He walked over to me painting in hand. I assumed that Kyle just wanted to rub it in my face. But then he picked up my hand, which had been hanging by my side, and put his arm around me. He walked me out the door and let down his arm from my shoulder. He smiled wickedly and pressed the painting into my hand. Then he walked over to Avery who looked like had he just died and came back to life.

I was having trouble breathing. That was the first time anyone had done that to me. And it wasn't just anyone, it was Kyle Brooks!!! After a few seconds when I could talk agin I told him.

"I Couldn't take this from you! I already have one". I said holding up the painting I had gotten.

"Well it's not as if I'm giving it to you for free! Now you owe me a favor". He called to me.

By then it was time to go back, I could see Kyle and Avery arguing over something but I could hear what.

[Avery's POV]

"You said you would leave Jenny alone"! I was almost shouting at my Brother by now.

"Chill"! He told me smoothly. "It not like I kissed her or anything".

"It doesn't matter you said you'd leave her alone"! I was so angry I could have strangled the stupid jerk.

He just shrugged. Acting like it was no big deal.

And to him it wasn't. But to Jenny it was I could see it in her face. The way she couldn't respond for a few seconds. You could tell she was shocked, in every movement she made.

"It's not like you have feelings for her. So why do you care?" He asked sounding slightly pissed.

Good question. I was used to this by now. Any girl I was interested in always ended up with Kyle. I had built up a wall around my heart. So no one could break it.

I should just ignore Jenny Howells from now on. That way I wouldn't? end up hurt.


Hehehe!!! Thanks a bunch for reading this far!! We really couldn't do this with out you! Comment and Vote you know the drill.



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