Formidable Marinade

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A/N: So this is my first time writing a dark/horror romance type of thing so if there is any advice or helpful tips I would greatly appreciate it ^_^ I based the story off of the song Formidable Marinade (to the right. You should listen to it, it's wonderful) and if you feel like pushing some buttons a like or rate would be wonderful, if you're feeling particularly adventurous you can even type me a comment! Thanks for reading and enjoy!


Chapter One 

Dani sighed as she loaded the last of her bags in her bright orange truck, grunting as she tried to coax the bag into the already stuffed back seat. She would have loaded all her bags onto the bed of the trunk if it wasn't raining buckets, but alas, it was, so she had to make due with her small back seat. She wiped the wet tendrils of chestnut hair from her face as she looked back at her childhood home, the feeling of warm water running down her face contrasting with that of the cold rain. 

Oh how I'm going to miss this place...she thought to herself as she walked towards the drivers side of the truck, her chucks slightly squeaking as she walked. 

She opened the door and slid smoothly onto the seat, pulling out her keys and starting the engine as she buckled her seat and closed the door. She gave the house one last look, noticing the dark windows and air of abandonment, before pulling out of her driveway and heading to the airport. The ride was quiet as she thought about all that has happened throughout the last couple of months and what her future had in store for her. The rain fell in torrents making the road hard to drive but that wasn't a problem for Dani since she had driven this route many times.

Soon the woods beside her thinned out and she found herself driving through the early morning traffic in the city. She tapped her fingers impatiently on the steering wheel as she inched her way through traffic, finally reaching the airport after what seemed like hours of snail paced driving. After driving around for ten minutes she finally found an empty parking space and maneuvered her large truck in the space, barely missing the car parked to her right. Stepping out of the truck, Dani stretched out her cramp muscles and yawned slightly looking at her phone.

"FUCK!" Dani exclaimed as she realized she had thirty minutes before her plane was supposed to board. Dani gathered all her bags from the back seat and rushed quickly into the busy airport, mumbling expletives under her breath as she went. She got to security and shifted back and forth between feet as she waited in the enormous line. Finally, she placed her bags on the belt and walked through the metal detector after taking off her jewelry and putting it on the belt with the rest of her stuff.  

"Flight 180 to Rome, Italy now boarding. I repeat, flight 180 to Rome, Italy now boarding," a woman's voice said over the airport speakers. Dani quickly grabbed her bags and other possessions from the belt, rushing to the terminal. She stopped, out of breath, and handed her ticket to the startled stewardess who waved her through after checking her ticket. Dani quickly thanked the woman, walking onto the plane and finding her seat.

After putting her bags in the compartment above her seat, Dani sat down and took out her ipod, putting on her headphones and pushing shuffle. She chuckled slightly to herself as Formidable Marinade by Amanda Palmer and Mikelangelo blasted through her ears and closed her eyes, waiting for the plane to lift off. Soon she fell into a deep sleep.


Dani was walking down a long dark hallway, a sense of danger making her steps brisk and her stomach turn. The hallway never seemed to end. Doors passing by as she her pace began to quicken until she was running down the hallway. The sound of laughter made her push to run faster, her breath coming out harsher and harsher as panic set it. The laughter faded and she stopped to catch her breath, a hand placed on her chest over her fast beating heart. Once she had calmed her breathing she looked up and could see someone in the distance. Slowly she walked towards the person, noticing that she was turned away and sitting down on the floor rocking herself. As she walked closer she heard the faint sounds of sobbing, making her steps quicker as she rushed to the crying girl. When she was just behind the girl she placed a comforting hand on the frail shoulder, feeling the bones beneath her hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2011 ⏰

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