Okay I am just going to start by saying 😂 then tell you a story
A funny story 🙃
I once went to Star⭐️bucks
I was trying to act all Mexican so I told the in Spanish 😌
Tienen champurrado😉
For all the people who don't speak Spanish 😋
I asked for hot chocolate Mexican style 🙌
And they just stared at me and called one of the Mexican guys to help me with my order 😒
😂😂😂 Anyway at the end they told me that they didn't have that on the menu so I asked for a mocha Frappuchino 😋 and when I left they were looking at me like this crazy Mexican that hardly know what she ordered✨
That's basically what happen 👌
Comment if that has ever happen to you 👇
Love y'all